This is the README file for libOurNet, the collection of Perl modules by Elixir Group and OurInternet Inc. This documentation is *extremely* outdated -- you should consult and each individual module's embedded PODs. * Installation libOurNet uses the standard perl module install process: perl Makefile.PL make make install Note that scripts in bin/ directory could be useful tutorials, too. * Copyright Copyright 2000 by OurInternet, Inc. All rights reserved. You can redistribute and/or modify this bundle under the same terms as Perl itself. * Introduction This is sales-talk introduction to each of OurNet::* modules. Whether it might be of use to you or not is unknown. This document is Copyright 2000 by OurInternet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [OurNet::Query, OurNet::Site - Automated Fetching & Conversion Engine] The contents of most web services are formatted in ill-structured HTML, makes it extremely difficult to incorporate other site's services into your own. Even if such hand-coded attempts are made, the lack of streamlined representation forbids you from integrating other service's contents, or re-formats them into the same style. Take searching as an example: currently, most meta-search packages limits you to a fixed array of popular general-purpose Search Engines, and are incapable of take advantage of each one's unique services. The same limitation also applies to price-comparison services, special-purpose monitor sites (e.g. financial "stock watcher"), etc. OurNet::Query delivers a totally customizable engine to automatically monitor any web service's contents, and "wrap" them into any format - XML, RSS, database, or HTML templates - without any hard coding. Totally transparent to the end-user, they will feel as if these results are offered by the same source, hence makes it very easy to build a site filled with richly news, services and related contents. [OurNet::FuzzyIndex - Full-Text Multilingual Fuzzy Search Engine] It is often critical for a site to have its own index engine, either for user to search the vast amount of data, to auto-generated "related links" for each page, or to associate external information according to their contents. But traditionally, such packages comes as a fixed "black-box", forcing you to represent the data in a certain format, and offers no room for extensions or improvements. OurNet::FuzzyIndex uses Berkeley DB, a high-performance embedded database system used by sendmail, Netscape Navigator among others, to store its index data. This allows lightning-fast search speed while consuming very little CPU/Memory resources, makes it the ideal solution for mid-to-high volume service sites. It also supports a distributed databases option, which optimizes each query to access only a small portion of database, providing even more scalability. OurNet::FuzzyIndex supports multilingual contents both in Unicode or locale encoding, multiple query syntax/options (e.g. Exact, Boolean, Fuzzy & Natural Language), and a totally extensible API supporting outside filtering/parsing/translation components. OurNet::FuzzyIndex poses no limits as to which format the data is in, or where it should be stored. It accepts any source of contents, whether it's from a local file, a database entry, or external data fetched by OurNet::Query engine. [OurNet::ChatBot - Context-Free Interactive Q&A Engine] Although a search engine can find links relevant to user's queries, it does not provide answer to concrete questions for Q&A services, like Troubleshooting, Online Support, Call Center and Knowledge Bases. These sites usually needs an Eliza-like "virtual personality" to interact with user, directing them to relevant parts of the content instead of a hyperlink to a 100-page-long online manual. Traditionally, interactive query systems like Ask Jeeves requires a hierarchical structured database, extensive chat-scripts, and could only handle a specific domain of keywords. OurNet::ChatBot require no reformatting of existing contents at all; it can automatically parse paragraphs and sentences, then convert the weighted data into a OurNet::FuzzyIndex database. You can also specify additional parameters like keywords, weights and grammar at any time. OurNet::ChatBot accepts multilingual natural language questions, and provides the most suited answers by analyzing the index for each entry's frequency, relevancy and importance. Additional references and links are also included in the output. The Context-Free feature of OurNet::ChatBot also offers other applications other than Q&A services, such as to instantly turn a huge body of articles and speeches into a "virtual personality" of their author to chat with users! [OurNet::BBSAgent - Remote-Controlled Virtual User Engine] Besides static page-based sites, many Internet services needs to interact with users, like BBS, IRC, ICQ and Telnet services. There are no "search engines" or "portals" for these services, simply because it was very difficult to automatically gather their contents, or to post data on them. OurNet::BBSAgent provides an object-oriented interface to those services, by simulating as a "virtual user" with action defined by a script language. The developer could then use the same methods to access different services, to easily implement interactive robots, spiders, or other cross-service agents. The scripting language of OurNet::BBSAgent is easy to learn, powerful, and has both flow-control and event-driven capabilities. The engine also accepts action scripts written in another language. Multiple agents could be dispatched simultaneously with multi-threading support. [OurNet::WebBuilder - Distributed Web Service Solution] The idea is this: The program part and template part of a page should be seperated. The program would be named ".pl", and uses OurNet::WebBuilder to populate all variables in the template part, plus all parameters sent by GET or POST requests. [OurNet::Directory - Hierarchical Category Service Solution] Not yet available. [OurNet::Nexus - Hierarchical Category Service Solution] Not yet available.