# $File: //member/autrijus/PAR/README $ $Author: autrijus $ # $Revision: #8 $ $Change: 1845 $ $DateTime: 2002/11/02 21:03:41 $ This is the README file for PAR, a module to use perl scripts and modules stored inside compressed .par files. Please see the PAR.pm for typical uses, script/makepar.pl for bundling prerequisite modules of scripts into a PAR file (aka PerlApp or Perl2exe), and script/par.pl for running/making self-contained PAR executables. There is also a presentation "Introduction to PAR", available on the web as . * Installation PAR uses the standard perl module install process: cpansign -v # see SIGNATURE for details perl Makefile.PL make make test make install After installation, if you want to enable stand-alone binary support, please apply the included patch to the B::C module first (5.8.0 only, 5.6.1 does not need this): % patch `perl -MB::C -e'print $INC{"B/C.pm"}'` < patches/perl580.diff and then: % perlcc -o /usr/local/bin/par script/par.pl Afterwards, you can generate self-executable binaries by: % makepar.pl -B -O./foo.par /home/test.pl % perlcc -o par.exe par.pl # only need to do this once % par.exe -B -O./foo.exe foo.par # self-contained .exe % foo.exe # runs anywhere with same OS # (but see TODO for caveats) If you want to make a self-contained script instead (without bundling the perl binary and core modules), do this: % makepar.pl -S -B -O./foo.par /home/test.pl % par.pl -b -O./foo.pl foo.par # or -B to bundle core modules % perl foo.pl # runs anywhere with core modules * Copyright Copyright 2002 by Autrijus Tang . All rights reserved. You can redistribute and/or modify this bundle under the same terms as Perl itself. See .