NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome - A more awesome MakeMaker plugin for Dist::Zilla DESCRIPTION Dist::Zilla's MakeMaker plugin is limited, if you want to stray from the marked path and do something that would normally be done in a "package MY" section or otherwise run custom code in your Makefile.PL you're out of luck. This plugin is 100% compatable with Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker, but if you need something more complex you can just subclass it: Simple use, in your dist.ini: ;; Replace [MakeMaker] ;[MakeMaker] [MakeMaker::Awesome] More complex use, adding a "package MY" section to your Makefile.PL: In your dist.ini: [=inc::MyDistMakeMaker / MyDistMakeMaker] Then in your inc/, real example from Hailo: package inc::HailoMakeMaker; use Moose; extends 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome'; override _build_MakeFile_PL_template => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $template = super(); $template .= <<'TEMPLATE'; package MY; sub test { my $inherited = shift->SUPER::test(@_); # Run tests with Moose and Mouse $inherited =~ s/^test_dynamic :: pure_all\n\t(.*?)\n/test_dynamic :: pure_all\n\tANY_MOOSE=Mouse $1\n\tANY_MOOSE=Moose $1\n/m; return $inherited; } TEMPLATE return $template; }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; Or maybe you're writing an XS distro and want to pass custom arguments to "WriteMakefile()", here's an example of adding a "LIBS" argument in re::engine::PCRE: package inc::PCREMakeMaker; use Moose; extends 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome'; override _build_WriteMakefile_args => sub { +{ # Add LIBS => to WriteMakefile() args %{ super() }, LIBS => [ '-lpcre' ], } }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; OVERRIDE These are the methods you can currently override in your custom inc/ module. The work that this module does is entirely done in small modular methods that can be overriden in your subclass. Here are some of the highlights: _build_MakeFile_PL_template Returns Text::Template string used to construct the Makefile.PL. _build_WriteMakefile_args A "HashRef" of arguments that'll be passed to ExtUtils::MakeMaker's "WriteMakefile" function. _build_WriteMakefile_dump Takes the return value of "_build_WriteMakefile_args" and constructs a Str that'll be included in the Makefile.PL by "_build_MakeFile_PL_template". test_dirs bin_dirs share_dirs exe_files The test/bin/share dirs and exe_files. These'll all be passed to /"_build_WriteMakefile_args" later. dir_plugins Used for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir support. Don't touch it if you don't need some deep ShareDir magic. _build_share_dir_block An "ArrayRef[Str]" with two elements to be used by "_build_MakeFile_PL_template". The first will declare your ShareDir and the second will add a magic "package MY" section to install it. Deep magic. OTHER The main entry point is "setup_installer" via the Dist::Zilla::Role::InstallTool role. There are also other magic Dist::Zilla roles, check the source for more info. BUGS This plugin would suck less if Dist::Zilla didn't use a INI-based config system so you could add a stuff like this in your main configuration file like you can with Module::Install. The .ini file format can only support key-value pairs whereas any complex use of ExtUtils::MakeMaker requires running custom Perl code and passing complex data structures to "WriteMakefile". AUTHOR Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.