NAME Hailo - A pluggable Markov engine analogous to MegaHAL SYNOPSIS use Hailo; my $hailo = Hailo->new( # Or Pg, or Perl ... storage_class => 'SQLite', brain_resource => 'brain.db' ); while (<>) { $hailo->learn($_); print $hailo->reply($_), "\n"; } DESCRIPTION Hailo is a fast and lightweight markov engine intended to replace AI::MegaHAL. It has a lightweight Moose-based core with pluggable storage, tokenizer and engine backends. It's faster than MegaHAL and can handle huge brains easily with the default SQLite backend. It can be used, amongst other things, to implement IRC chat bots with POE::Component::IRC. In fact, there exists a POE::Component::IRC plugin for just that purpose. Etymology *Hailo* is a portmanteau of *HAL* (as in MegaHAL) and *failo* ATTRIBUTES "brain_resource" The name of the resource (file name, database name) to use as storage. There is no default. "order" The Markov order (chain length) you want to use for an empty brain. The default is 5. "storage_class" The storage backend to use. Default: 'SQLite'. "tokenizer_class" The tokenizer to use. Default: 'Words'; "engine_class" The engine to use. Default: 'Default'; "storage_args" "tokenizer_args" "engine_args" A "HashRef" of arguments storage/tokenizer/engine backends. See the documentation for the backends for what sort of arguments they accept. "token_separator" Storage backends may choose to store the tokens of an expression as a single string. If so, they will be joined them together with a separator. By default, this is "\t". METHODS "new" This is the constructor. It accept the attributes specified in "ATTRIBUTES". "run" Run the application according to the command line arguments. "learn" Takes a line of UTF-8 encoded text as input and learns from it. "train" Takes a filename and calls "learn" on all its lines. Lines are expected to be UTF-8 encoded. "reply" Takes a line of text and generates a reply (UTF-8 encoded) that might be relevant. "learn_reply" Takes a line of text, learns from it, and generates a reply (UTF-8 encoded) that might be relevant. "save" Tells the underlying storage backend to save its state. CAVEATS All occurences of "token_separator" will be stripped from your input before it is processed, so make sure it's set to something that is unlikely to appear in it. AUTHORS Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson and Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.