At this moment, there are two source trees in this project: * lib-kp6-mp6: This is the version that uses the mp6 compiler for some files and that mixes kp6 and mp6 runtime. * lib-kp6-kp6: This is a pure-kp6 version of the above tree. Some changes are currently need so kp6 can be compiled by itself, this changes are basically in the runtime and are documented in the doc/KP6_Bootstrap_Notes.txt file. Both these directories are compiled to plain-p5 files in a directory with a "-p5" added in the end. At this moment the only compiler that really works is When the bootstrap finishes, we'll be able to simplify this structure to a simple "lib" and "lib5" again. ================================== The differences between lib-kp6-mp6 and lib-kp6-kp6 currently are: * KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::Grammar was moved to KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl6::Grammar * KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::Match was moved to KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl6::Match * KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::Pad started to be translated to KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl6::Pad * KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::Runtime was changed to load the Perl6 version of the above files