NAME Defaults::Modern - Yet another approach to modernistic Perl SYNOPSIS use Defaults::Modern; # Function::Parameters + List::Objects::WithUtils + types -> fun to_immutable ( (ArrayRef | ArrayObj) $arr ) { # blessed() and confess() are available (amongst others): my $immutable = immarray( blessed $arr ? $arr->all : @$arr ); confess 'No items in array!' unless $immutable->has_any; $immutable } package My::Foo { use Defaults::Modern; # define keyword for defining constants -> define ARRAY_MAX = 10; # Moo(se) with types -> use Moo; use MooX::late; has myarray => ( isa => ArrayObj, is => 'ro', writer => '_set_myarray', # MooX::late allows us to coerce from an ArrayRef: coerce => 1, default => sub { [] }, ); # Method with optional positional param and implicit $self -> method slice_to_max (Int $max = -1) { my $arr = $self->myarray; $self->_set_myarray( $arr->sliced( 0 .. $max >= 0 ? $max : ARRAY_MAX ) ) } } # Optionally autobox list-type refs via List::Objects::WithUtils -> use Defaults::Modern 'autobox_lists'; my $obj = +{ foo => 'bar', baz => 'quux' }->inflate; my $baz = $obj->baz; # See DESCRIPTION for complete details on imported functionality. DESCRIPTION Yet another approach to writing Perl in a modern style. . . . also saves me extensive typing ;-) When you "use Defaults::Modern", you get: * strict and fatal warnings except for "once"; additionally disallow bareword::filehandles and indirect method calls * The "v5.14" feature set ("state", "say", "unicode_strings", "array_base") -- except for "switch", which is deprecated in newer perls * carp, croak, and confess error reporting tools from Carp * blessed, reftype, and weaken utilities from Scalar::Util * array, array_of, immarray, and hash object constructors from List::Objects::WithUtils * fun and method keywords from Function::Parameters * The full Types::Standard set and List::Objects::Types, which are useful in combination with Function::Parameters (see the "SYNOPSIS" and Function::Parameters POD) * try and catch from Try::Tiny * The path object constructor from Path::Tiny and related types/coercions from Types::Path::Tiny * maybe and provided definedness-checking syntax sugar from PerlX::Maybe * A define keyword for defining constants based on PerlX::Define * The "|M|" match operator from match::simple * The "sswitch" and "nswitch" switch/case constructs from Switch::Plain * so you can skip adding '1;' to all of your modules If you import the tag "autobox_lists", ARRAY and HASH type references are autoboxed via List::Objects::WithUtils: use Defaults::Modern 'autobox_lists'; my $itr = [ 1 .. 10 ]->natatime(2); Moo and MooX::late are depended upon in order to guarantee their availability, but not automatically imported: use Moo; use MooX::late; use Defaults::Modern; has foo => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayObj, coerce => 1, default => sub { [] }, ); (If you're building classes, you may want to look into namespace::clean / namespace::sweep or similar -- Defaults::Modern imports an awful lot of Stuff. Moops may be nicer to work with.) SEE ALSO This package just glues together useful parts of CPAN, the most visible portions of which come from the following modules: Carp Function::Parameters List::Objects::WithUtils and List::Objects::Types match::simple Path::Tiny PerlX::Maybe Scalar::Util Switch::Plain Try::Tiny Types::Standard Type::Tiny AUTHOR Jon Portnoy Licensed under the same terms as Perl. Inspired by Defaults::Mauke and Moops. The code backing the define keyword is forked from TOBYINK's PerlX::Define to avoid the Moops dependency and is copyright Toby Inkster.