What's new in PerlQt 1.06: - Configure and build scripts. These scripts make installation of PerlQt a breeze. What's new in PerlQt 1.05: - Destructors. This magic bullet has done wonderful things in PerlQt. PerlQt did free memory from object before, but the destructors of those objects were never called. That has been fixed, and in doing so, the memory-leak is gone. As far as I can tell, PerlQt is rock-solid and about as leak-free as any reasonable person can expect. - Source Incompatibility. This is related to the above change, but needs to have it's own section. There isn't total source-incompatibility. All of the tutorials work with 1.05, but many of the examples had to be changed. In changing PerlQt to properly call destructors, Perl's scoping rules are now properly in effect. So if you write code like: my $parent = new QWidget; my $child = new QPushButton('Foo', $self, 'bar'); return $parent; it will not display a working QPushButton when $parent is shown. The $child will be destroyed. And when you destroy a child widget, it is not displayed. In the past, you might have noticed a setImmortal() function, which was supposed to make an object immortal and immune from deletion. It is now gone. In it's place are two new member-functions known as immortal() and mortal(). To code the above example properly in PerlQt 1.05, you would probably run something like: my $parent = new QWidget; my $child = new QPushButton('Foo', $self, 'bar')->immortal; return $parent; The $child object is *not* destroyed when it goes out of scope when immortal is used, only the $child reference to it. That means the object will not be destroyed, it's memory will not be freed, and all virtual functions for that widget will continue to work, as well as all signals and slots. Please see the QGlobal pod for more information about immortal() and mortal(). - Contrib dir. I have added a contrib/ dir to PerlQt where I can stick any interesting PerlQt programs that aren't ported from the programs included with Qt. Feel free to send me programs you would like added to contrib/ - PerlQt Shell. This is the entire reason for all of the changes in this version and the delay of the completion of the upgrade of signals and slots. In the new contrib/ dir, you will see a program called pqtsh. When run, it will display an 80-character long QLineEdit where you can enter PerlQt code on the fly. Because of Perl's flexible object syntax, you can enter some interesting incantations. If you want to test it out, try this: $x = new QPushButton show $x resize $x 100, 20 $x->setText("Hello World") # Both styles are legal resize $x 250, 40 setFont $x new QFont('Courier', 30, $Weight{Bold}) setCaption $x "Hello PerlQt user" setCaption $self "PerlQt Shell" exit What's new in PerlQt 1.04: - PerlQt 1.03 was hosed. This is purely a bug-fix. What's new in PerlQt 1.03: - Fixed compiliation errors for most non-Linux platforms regarding Perl's bool handling. This was the main reason for this release. - Signals and slots enhancement. You may now pass strings, ints, floats, objects, and scalars through signals, and recieve them through slots. There is more thorough prototype checking and enhanced everything. This enhancement is far from finished at this point yet. There is much code-cleaning up to do, and there are still features to add (doubles, 3 arguments, and '...') - Now requires Perl-5.004 What's new in PerlQt 1.02: - Type-safeness. You can no-longer pass a QRect to setMainWidget()! - QTDIR warnings. Makefile.PL will now warn you that PerlQt needs QTDIR to build when it hasn't been set when Makefile.PL is run. - No more pointless prototypes. Mainly an internal change, but it removes the XS prototypes which don't work for method-calls, and suck for non-method calls - Major header-file changes. Mainly an internal change, but it makes the ability to add new widgets and modules almost trivial. It also un-clutters everything making maintenence easier. There was also a renaming of headers to make sure they *all* begin with a p. - Improved QPointArray. Added many QArray functions, to more closely emulate the C++ version. Also added overloaded operators What's new in PerlQt 1.01: - Overloaded operators. Yes, overloaded operators! Finally I've gotten them to work. I've added them to all classes when have them in C++ Qt. No = overloading, though. - Copy constructor prototypes. So you can now make manual deep copies of objects. (some objects, never widgets) - Undef checking. If you pass an undef value to a function, it is converted to a NULL pointer. This version includes the ability to detect when undef is passed when PerlQt doesn't expect it (perhaps when you type '$sbar' instead of '$sBar'...). It spits out a satisfying warning which looks like: Unexpected undef argument converted to NULL pointer at line XXX After which your program will probably seg-fault. But at least you know which line it seg-faulted at. - The top-level PerlQt Makefile.PL now croaks with an explicit reason if it cannot find libperlqt when it is run. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the PerlQt 1.06 README. PerlQt is an extensive interface between the Perl scripting language, and the C++ Qt GUI programming toolkit. It allows Perl programs to not only access and display Qt widgets (graphical components), but create new widgets through inheritance, in much the same way as it is done in C++. The extent of the interface goes beyond merely inheritance. Qt has a powerful call-back mechanism known as signals and slots. It allows the programmer to avoid manual call-backs with function-pointers and the like, and allows a cleaner programming style. Because C++ was incapable, on it's own, of achieving this goal, a 'Meta-object compiler' program, called 'moc', was created to automatically create the additional code needed to perform call-backs with signals and slots. PerlQt has improved upon this system. The signals and slots mechanism, put to such good use in C++ Qt, could not be left out of an extensive interface to Perl. It wasn't. Using Perl's 'use' function, I made the declaration of signals and slots a one-step process. No Meta-object compiler is needed, because Perl can call functions from their names, and create functions at run-time. Admittedly, the interface to signals and slots in PerlQt is not as flexible as in C++ Qt, but that will change soon enough. And what has been interfaced so far is enough for most applications already. Creation of new Qt widgets just isn't complete without virtual functions. With that in mind, I made sure that every virtual function in every class could be overridden in PerlQt. This means that virtual function overridding has no restrictions in PerlQt. Just create the function, and it 'works'. Since Qt is written in C++, it was inevitable that it would have overloaded functions (functions with more than one prototype). Since Perl can determine the number and type of arguments to a function, I chose to support all prototypes of all functions. The only drawback I can see is with virtual functions. If you override a virtual function that has another prototype (perhaps virtual, perhaps not), the programmer will have to ensure that both prototypes are supported in the virtual function. One of the most notable features of Qt is its extensive documentation. I have made great pains to ensure that the PerlQt interface matches the C++ Qt interface as much as possible, thereby making the Qt documentation as applicable to PerlQt as to C++ Qt. I admit that currently, there is not much PerlQt-specific documentation. What documentation is provided is in the form of pod documentation, the standard Perl documentation format, at the end of each module's .pm file. When PerlQt is installed, the pod documentation should be translated into the more digestable man format, and installed somewhere. Even better than documentation, in my opinion, is code. PerlQt comes with over 5000 lines of code which actually runs in PerlQt. And all of this code is directly ported from its C++ counterpart which is included with Qt. Not only have *all* of the Qt tutorials been converted to PerlQt, but most of the Qt examples have been as well. The most notable example is the widgets example. Over a dozen widgets, some newly created, are used in the same PerlQt program. Unfortunatly, I couldn't manage converting tetris in time for this release. :) A line-by-line comparison of C++ Qt and PerlQt code yields interesting insight into the directness of the interface between them. The Qt tutorial documentation is a good place to start learning PerlQt, believe it or not. It not only describes the actions of a function in detail, but the differences between the C++ Qt and PerlQt interfaces can be clearly seen. Despite the attempted directness of the PerlQt interface, I could not allow the constant/enumeration interface to remain as it was in C++. While it was possible to convert everything exactly, doing so would have been a really bad idea. I believe that I have cleaned up the enumeration/constant interface to a great degree. Most constants have been stuffed into Perl hashes, where in Qt they were just similarly named constants. Some were logical, like Key_X being converted to $Key{X}, yet others were not so obviously logical. I've tried to document the changes in the relevant places. PerlQt 1.06 requires Perl-5.004 and Qt-1.2. It should compile on most POSIX-compatible Unix platforms, and probably on all Linux systems. It is important that your version of Perl-5.004 is *NOT* binary-compatible with Perl-5.003. There is a reason I chose not to use Perl-5.003 for PerlQt. Now that you know what PerlQt is, and some of what it does, I hope you'll learn it, use it, live it, love it, and report all bugs to jql@accessone.com. PerlQt is my baby, Ashley Winters