Sitemapper Version 1.003 ======================== Description ----------- Sitemapper is a simple perl program which generated an HTML site map from a given URL. It does this by traversing the site, getting the home page, extracting links from it, getting all the pages linked, and so on. The default sitemap generated is an HTML bulleted list. The first level indented list item is the home page; the next level are all the pages linked from the home page. The next level are all the pages linked from each of these pages, and so on. If a page is linked from more than one page, it is show in the "highest" place in the tree it is linked from. An alternative sitemap format is a dynamic HTML version (see below) which generates a collapsable folding tree. Sitemapper should correctly deal with framesets, client side image maps, and tags. It ignores all "off site" links - i.e. all absolute URLs that do not start with the original "base" URL of the home page. Usage ----- To use sitemapper, just type: ./sitemapper -site to get output to stdout, or ./sitemapper -site -output mysitemap.html to output to a file. Type ./sitemapper -help to get full usage instructions, or .sitemapper -doc to output the pod documentation Examples -------- example.html contains an example of sitemapper output, for the Canon Research Europe Ltd Perl Pages (; i.e. by running: ./sitemapper -o example.html -site js_example.html contains an example of a dynamic HMTL version of the site map for the CRE site. This is generated using Jef Pearlman's ( javascript Tree class (see for more details) - many thanks to Jef for allowing this to be distributed with sitemapper! This is generated by running: ./sitemapper -o js_example.html -site -format js The javascript site map requires the following gif files to be copied to the same directory as the sitemap: Tree_disabled.gif Tree_minus.gif Tree_plus.gif CPAN Modules ------------ Sitemapper uses the following CPAN modules, that need to be installed before it will work: Getopt::Long IO::File LWP::UserAgent HTML::LinkExtor URI::URL Pod::Text MD5 Date::Format See for details of how to download / install these modules. Bugs ---- Please send any bugs / comments / suggestions to