NAME CPAN::WWW::Testers::Generator - Download and summarize CPAN Testers data SYNOPSIS % cpanstats # ... wait patiently # ... then use cpanstats.db, an SQLite database DESCRIPTION This distribution was originally written by Leon Brocard to download and summarize CPAN Testers data. However, much of the original code has been rewritten to use the CPAN Testers Statistics database generation code. This now means that all the CPAN Testers sites including the Reports site, the Statistics site and the CPAN Dependencies site, can use the same database. This module downloads articles from the cpan-testers newsgroup, generating or updating an SQLite database containing all the most important information. You can then query this database, or use CPAN::WWW::Testers to present it over the web. A good example query for Acme-Colour would be: SELECT version, status, count(*) FROM reports WHERE distribution = "Acme-Colour" group by version, status; To create a database from scratch can take several hours, as there are now over 1.5 million articles in the newgroup. As such updating from a known copy of the database is much more advisable. If you don't want to generate the database yourself, you can obtain the latest official copy (compressed with gzip) at INTERFACE The Constructor * new Instatiates the object CPAN::WWW::Testers::Generator. Methods * logfile Accessor to set/get where the logging information is to be kept. Note that if this not set, no logging occurs. * database Accessor to set/get the database full path. * directory Accessor to set/get the directory where the database is to be created. * generate Starting from the last recorded article, retrieves all the more recent articles from the NNTP server, parsing each and recording the articles that either upload announcements or reports. * insert_article Inserts the components of a parsed article into the database. DATABASE SCHEMA The database schema is very straightforward, one main table with several index tables to speed up searches. The main table is as below: +--------------------------------+ | cpanstats | +----------+---------------------+ | id | INTEGER PRIMARY KEY | | state | TEXT | | postdate | TEXT | | tester | TEXT | | dist | TEXT | | version | TEXT | | platform | TEXT | | perl | TEXT | | osname | TEXT | | osvers | TEXT | | archname | TEXT | +----------+---------------------+ HISTORY The CPAN testers was conceived back in May 1998 by Graham Barr and Chris Nandor as a way to provide multi-platform testing for modules. Today there are over 1.5 million tester reports and more than 100 testers each month giving valuable feedback for users and authors alike. BECOME A TESTER The objective of the CPAN Testers is to test as many of the distributions on CPAN as possible, on as many platforms as possible. The ultimate goal is to improve the portability of the distributions on CPAN, and provide good feedback to the authors. Whether you have a common platform or a very unusual one, you can help by testing modules you install and submitting reports. There are plenty of module authors who could use test reports and helpful feedback on their modules and distributions. If you'd like to get involved, please take a look at the CPAN Testers Wiki, where you can learn how to install and configure one of the recommended smoke tools. For further help and advice, please subscribe to the the CPAN Testers discussion mailing list. CPAN Testers Wiki - CPAN Testers Discuss mailing list - AUTHOR Original author: Leon Brocard (C) 2002-2008 Current maintainer: Barbie (C) 2008 LICENSE This code is distributed under the same license as Perl.