Mail::Outlook ============= DESCRIPTION This module was written to overcome the problem of sending mail messages, where Microsoft (R) Outlook (R) is the only mail application available. However, since it's inception the module has expanded to handle a range of Outlook mail functionality. Note that when sending messages, the module uses the named owner of the Outbox MAPI Folder in order to access the correct objects. Thus the From field of a new message is predetermined, and a read only property. If using the 'Win32::OLE::Const' constants, only the following are currently supported: olFolderInbox olFolderOutbox olFolderSentMail olFolderDrafts olFolderDeletedItems DEPENDENCIES The distribution requires the following modules: Win32::OLE Win32::OLE::Const For testing purposes, the following modules are desireable, but not essential: Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage DISCLAIMER Please note that there are no tests for the display, send, move or delete methods, due to the potential havoc they could cause. You are advised to test this functionality safely should you need it. Any damage to your mail environment is your sole responsibility. The software herein is provided as is and the author accepts no liability as to its reliability. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install TODO X-Header support - unlikely as Exchange ignores them Other Mail Folders More Tests DSLIP b - Beta testing d - Developer p - Perl-only O - Object oriented p - Standard-Perl: user may choose between GPL and Artistic AUTHOR Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions, COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Barbie & Miss Barbell Productions. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.