WWW::UsePerl::Journal::Thread ============================= DESCRIPTION Using WWW::UsePerl::Journal to extract entry ids, each id can be used to seed a thread of comments. Each comment can be accessed as an object, thus values can be retrieve for each object variable. DEPENDENCIES The distribution requires the following modules: WWW::UsePerl::Journal => 0.11, LWP::UserAgent => 0, HTTP::Request::Common => 0 Time::Piece => 0, CHANGES See the Changes file for a list of updates to the distribution. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install AUTHOR Barbie, , http://birmingham.pm.org/ Miss Barbell Productions. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Barbie & Miss Barbell Productions. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under GPL v2. See F included with this distibution.