Centrifugo::Client Centrifugo::Client : A server-side Perl client for centrifugo https://github.com/Orabig/centrifugo-perl-client This module can be used to connect to a Centrifugo server with WebSockets. More info about Centrifugo : https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifugo or https://fzambia.gitbooks.io/centrifugal/content/ INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make install or simply use cpanminus: cpanm Centrifugo::Client SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Centrifugo::Client EXAMPLE Note : To connect to a Centrifugo instance, your program should first ask for a TOKEN. This part is not covered by this module, because it is implementation-dependant. use Centrifugo::Client; use AnyEvent; my $cclient = Centrifugo::Client->new("$CENTRIFUGO_WS/connection/websocket"); $cclient->connect( user => $USER_ID, timestamp => $TIMESTAMP, token => $TOKEN ) -> on('connect', sub{ my ($infoRef)=@_; print "Connected to Centrifugo version ".$infoRef->{version}; # When connected, connect to some channel $cclient->subscribe( $CHANNEL ); })-> on('message', sub{ my ($infoRef)=@_; print "Received message : ".encode_json $infoRef->{data}; }); # Now start the event loop to keep the program alive AnyEvent->condvar->recv;