pod2text CGI::Perljax.pm > README CGI::Perljax Perljax - a perl-specific system for writing AJAX- or DHTML-based web applications. Perljax provides a unique mechanism for using perl code asynchronously from javascript using AJAX to access user-written perl functions/methods. Perljax unburdens the user from having to write any javascript, except for having to associate an exported method with a document-defined event (such as onClick, onKeyUp, etc). Only in the more advanced implementations of a exported perl method would a user need to write any javascript. Perljax supports methods that return single results, or multiple results to the web page. No other projects that we know of are like Perljax for the following reasons: 1. Perljax is targeted specifically for perl development. 2. Perljax shields the user from having to write any javascript at all (unless they want to). 3. The URL for the HTTP GET request is automatically generated based on HTML layout and events, and the page is then dynamically updated. 4. Perljax is not part of a Content Management System, or some other larger project. INSTALL perl Makefile.PL make make test make install *If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'. Installation will place Perljax into the system perl @INC path, but it is important that you make sure mod_perl uses this path (which is mod_perl's default behavior, and also assuming you use mod_perl, and not just run perl as a CGI). Example scripts are provided in the source script directory, and can also be seen on the project's website, http://pjax.sourceforge.net.