NAME Ado::Manual - Getting started with Ado SYNOPSIS ado daemon Server available at DESCRIPTION Ado is a framework for web projects based on Mojolicious, written in the Perl programming language . Ado is a typical Mojo application yet it adds some default configuration and a model layer - Mojolicious::Plugin::DSC. An SQLite database is bundled in the distribution at "etc/ado.sqlite" to get started quickly. Ado goes together with the following: * Ado::Command::adduser allows adding users to an Ado application via a terminal. It also allows adding users to existing or not existing groups. The new group is automatically created. * Ado::Command::generate::apache2vhost generates a minimal Apache2 Virtual Host configuration file for your Ado application. * Ado::Command::generate::apache2htaccess generates an Apache2 ".htaccess" configuration file for your Ado application. You can use this command on a shared hosting account. * Ado::Plugin::Auth is a plugin that authenticates users to an Ado system. Users can be authenticated locally or using (TODO!) Facebook, Google, Twitter and other authentication service-providers. * Ado::Plugin::MarkdownRenderer - Render static files in markdown format. You can create a personal blog or enterprise wiki using static files in markdown format. See the Functional documentation at for an example. * Ado::Plugin::I18n localizes your application and site. It altomatically detects the current UserAgent language preferences and selects the best fit from the supported by the application languages. * PageDown is the version of Attacklab's Showdown and WMD as used on Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites. It includes a converter that turns Markdown into HTML, a Markdown editor with realtime preview of the generated HTML, and a few useful plugins, e.g. for sanitizing the generated HTML according to a whitelist of allowed tags. * Semantic UI - A CSS and JS user interface framework. UI is the vocabulary of the web. Semantic empowers designers and developers by creating a language for sharing UI. INSTALLATION We do not recommend using Ado with your system Perl! Get a precompiled Perl distro like "Citrus Perl" () or "ActivePerl Community Edition" () for your OS, or build your own using App::perlbrew. Ado can be downloaded from CPAN and installed manually or installed directly from CPAN using "cpan" or "cpanm" commandline tools. Ado is meant to be *installed into a folder of your choice*. It can go into the "siteprefix" folder of your *non-system Perl distro* or in its own folder. When installing Ado in its own folder add the "/path/to/ado/bin" to your $PATH environment variable. MANUAL To install manually Ado after downloading, run the following commands: tar -zxf Ado-X.XX.tar.gz cd Ado-X.XX/ perl Build.PL --install_base $HOME/opt/ado #or simply perl Build.PL ./Build installdeps ./Build ./Build test ./Build install CPAN cpanm Ado #or cpan[1]> install Ado Running install for module 'Ado' Running make for B/BE/BEROV/Ado-0.26.tar.gz ... ... BEROV/Ado-0.26.tar.gz ./Build install install -- OK PERLBREW Installing Ado under your own perlbrew environment perlbrew init perlbrew install -n perl-5.18.1 --as ado -j 3 perlbrew switch ado perlbrew install-cpanm cpanm Ado Carton Installing Ado using Carton echo 'requires "Ado";' > cpanfile carton install carton exec local/bin/ado daemon local::lib Be warned that local::lib, installed on some shared hosting providers' machines sets the environment variables "$PERL5LIB, $PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT, $PERL_MB_OPT, $PERL_MM_OPT". If you are aware and expect Ado to be installed in $PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT (usually "~/perl5") then fine. If you are using your own Perl and not the provided on the machine, you have to reset those variables while installing Ado. Otherwise you may be unpleasantly surprised. For ActivePerl it may be best to install Ado dependencies using PPM. Ado is available as PPM package too. SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation with the perldoc command. To use "perldoc" for reading documentation you may need to add the full path to Ado "lib" directory to "PERL5LIB" environment variable in case you passed the "--install_base" to "Build.PL". perldoc Ado perldoc Ado::Manual #this page For better experience run the "ado" application and read the documentation from your browser. $HOME/opt/ado/bin/ado daemon If you installed "ado" in your Perl distro, you can simply type: ado daemon Go to http:/localhost:3000/perldoc You can report bugs and suggest features at . Bugs will be considered and fixed as time permits. Feel invited to make pull requests for your contributions. CONTRIBUTING Of course anybody can contribute by reporting issues via github or fixing typos in the documentation. To be able to contribute with code, some rules need to be kept. This is mandatory for any community project. Generally the rules outlined in Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing apply for Ado too. For specific to Ado rules see Ado::Manual::Contributing. We expect that you know how to write perl Modules and are familiar with Mojolicious. REST API Ado strives for strict separation of concerns. The best way to achieve this is to fully separate the client code from the server code. Ado is ideally suited for the purpose thanks to Mojolicious. Every resource is accessible via the REST API. We follow closely and elaborate on the recommendations in "RESTful Service Best Practices" at See Ado::Manual::RESTAPI. PLUGINS Ado plugins work the same way as Mojolicious::Plugins and share the same common base trough Ado::Plugin. Ado plugins have one small additional feature. They can load their own configuration from "$ENV{MOJO_HOME}/etc/plugins/plugin_name.conf". Business-specific applications for an Ado-based system are usually implemented as plugins. One way to contribute to Ado is by writing plugins. See Ado::Manual::Plugins and Ado::Plugin for more information. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION We d'like to know our software is always in good health so we count on friendly developers and organisations to install and test it continuously. CPAN Testers Reports for Ado Travis-CI SEE ALSO Ado, Mojolicious::Guides, Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing, "prefix_vs_install_base" in Module::Build::Cookbook, . AUTHORS Authors in order of joining the core team. Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)( Вълчо Неделчев (Valcho Nedelchev)( COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2013-2014 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov). This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0). You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are open source. However, software that includes the license may release under a different license. See for more information.