NAME SQL::Easy - extremely easy access to sql data VERSION Version 0.06 DESCRIPTION On cpan there are a lot of ORMs. The problem is that sometimes ORM are too complex. You don't need ORM in a simple script with couple requests. ORM is sometimes difficult to use, you need to learn its syntax. From the other hand you already knows SQL language. SQL::Easy give you easy access to data stored in databases using well known SQL language. SYNOPSIS Let image we have db 'blog' with one table: CREATE TABLE `posts` ( `ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `dt` datetime NOT NULL, `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert INTO `posts` (`dt`, `title`) values ('1', '2010-07-14 18:30:31', 'Hello, World!'), ('2', '2010-08-02 17:13:35', 'use perl or die') ; Then we we can do some things with SQL::Easy use SQL::Easy; my $se = SQL::Easy->new( { database => 'blog', user => 'user', password => 'secret', host => '', # default '' port => 3306, # default 3306 connection_check_threshold => 30, # default 30 debug => 0, # default 0 } ); # get scalar my $posts_count = $se->get_one("select count(id) from posts"); # get list my ($dt, $title) = $se->get_row( "select dt, title from posts where id = ?", 1, ); # get arrayref my $posts = $se->get_data( "select dt_post, title from posts order by id" ); # We will get # [ # { # 'dt_post' => '2010-07-14 18:30:31', # 'title' => 'Hello, World!' # }, # { # 'dt_post' => '2010-08-02 17:13:35', # 'title' => 'use perl or die' # } # ]; my $post_id = $se->insert( "insert into images ( dt_post, title ) values ( now(), ? )", "My new idea" ); # $post_id is the id of the new row in table # Sometimes you don't need the any return value (when you delete or update # rows), you only need to execute some sql. You can do it by $se->execute( "update posts set title = ? where id = ?", "JAPH", 2, ); If it passed more than 'connection_check_threshold' seconds between requests the module will check that db connection is alive and reconnect if it went away. METHODS new Get: 1) $class 2) $params - hashref with connection information Return: 1) object my $se = SQL::Easy->new( { database => 'blog', user => 'user', password => 'secret', host => '', # default '' port => 3306, # default 3306 connection_check_threshold => 30, # default 30 debug => 0, # default 0 } ); Or, if you already have dbh: my $se2 = SQL::Easy->new( { dbh => $dbh, } ); For example, if you are woring with Dancer::Plugin::Database you can use this command to create SQL::Easy object: my $se3 = SQL::Easy->new( { dbh => database(), } ); get_dbh Get: 1) $self Return: 1) $ with dbi handler get_one Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: 1) $ with the first value of request result get_row Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: 1) @ with first row in result table get_col Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: 1) @ with first column in result table get_data Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: 1) $ with array of hashes with the result of the query Sample usage: my $a = $se->get_data('select * from t1'); print scalar @{$a}; # quantity of returned rows print $a->[0]{filename}; # element 'filename' in the first row for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$a}; $i++) { print $a->[$i]{filename}, "\n"; } get_tsv_data Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: 1) $ with tab separated db data Sample usage: print $se->get_tsv_data( "select dt_post, title from posts order by id limit 2" ); It will output the text below (with the tabs as separators). dt_post title 2010-07-14 18:30:31 Hello, World! 2010-08-02 17:13:35 use perl or die insert Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: 1) $ with id of inserted record Sub executes sql with bind variables and returns id of inseted record execute Get: 1) $self 2) $sql 3) @bind_variables Return: - Sub just executes sql that it recieves and returns nothing interesting log_debug Get: 1) $self 2) $sql Return: - If the debug is turned on sub wll print $sql to STDERR AUTHOR Ivan Bessarabov, `' SOURCE CODE The source code for this module is hosted on GitHub BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests in GitHub Issues LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 Ivan Bessarabov. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.