RT-Extension-EscalationDates - Set start and due time automatically when creating a ticket This RT Extension sets start and due time when creating a ticket via the web interface. It provides handling business hours defined in RT site configuration file. Installation ============ Before you can install this RT Extension you must install the perl module Date::Manip first. The easiest way is to use CPAN: cpan update cpan -i Date::Manip To install this extension, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Configuration ============= To make this extension active register it to in RT site configuration file located in RT_HOME/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm where RT_HOME is the path to your RT installation. Set(@Plugins,qw(RT::Extension::EscalationDates)); It's very important that you already configured a custom field with your priorities. After this step you must add this field to your configuration: Set($PriorityField, 'Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-1-Values'); In this example the first created custom field is used. Also you must define several priorities and relative dates for escalations: Set(%EscalateTicketsByPriority, ( 'A' => 'in 2 business hours', 'B' => 'in 22 business hours', 'C' => 'in 70 business hours', 'D' => 'in 468 business hours' )); Additionally you must define a default priority used when creating a ticket: Set($DefaultPriority, 'C'); Use only already configured priorities from %EscalateTicketsByPriority, for example 'C'. To overwrite Date::Manip's default configuration you may set the following: Set(%DateManipConfig, ( 'WorkDayBeg', '9:00', 'WorkDayEnd', '17:00', #'WorkDay24Hr', '0', #'WorkWeekBeg', '1', #'WorkWeekEnd', '7' )); You can find more information about the configurable parameters under http://search.cpan.org/~sbeck/Date-Manip-6.25/lib/Date/Manip/Config.pod#BUSINESS_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES. After all your new configuration will take effect after restarting your RT environment: rm -rf RT_HOME/var/mason_data/obj/* && service apache2 restart This is an example for deleting the mason cache and restarting the Apache HTTP web server on a Debian based operating system. Author ====== Benjamin Heisig, bheisig@synetics.de Support and Documentation ========================= You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc RT::Extension::EscalationDates Bugs ==== Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author. Acknowledgements ================ Special thanks to the synetics GmbH, http://i-doit.org/ for initiating this project! Copyright and License ===================== Copyright (C) 2011 Benjamin Heisig, bheisig@synetics.de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Request Tracker (RT) is Copyright Best Practical Solutions, LLC.