NAME HTML::FormBuilder - A Multi-part HTML form SYNOPSIS # Before create a form, create a classes hash for the form my $classes = {comment => 'comment', 'input_column' => 'column'}; # And maybe you need a localize function to translate something my $locaolize = sub {i18n(shift)}; # First, create the Form object. The keys in the HASH reference is the attributes of the form $form_attributes => {'id' => 'id_of_the_form', 'name' => 'name_of_the_form', 'method' => 'post', # or get 'action' => 'page_to_submit', 'header' => 'My Form', 'localize' => $localize, 'classes' => $classes, }; #header of the form my $form = HTML::FormBuilder->new(data => $form_attributes, classes => $classes, localize => $localize); #Then create fieldset, the form is allow to have more than 1 fieldset #The keys in the HASH reference is the attributes of the fieldset $fieldset_attributes => {'id' => 'id_of_the_fieldset', 'name' => 'name_of_the_fieldset', 'class' => 'myclass', 'header' => 'User details', #header of the fieldset 'comment' => 'please fill in', #message at the top of the fieldset 'footer' => '* - required',}; #message at the bottom of the fieldset }; $form->add_fieldset($fieldset_attributes); #################################### #Create the input fields. #################################### #When creating an input fields, there are 4 supported keys. #The keys are label, input, error, comment # Label define the title of the input field # Input define and create the actual input type # In input fields, you can defined a key 'heading', which create a text before the input is displayed, # however, if the input type is radio the text is behind the radio box # Error message that go together with the input field when fail in validation # Comment is the message added to explain the input field. #################################### ###Creating a input text #################################### my $input_text = {'label' => {'text' => 'Register Name', for => 'name'}, 'input' => {'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'John', 'id' => 'name', 'name' => 'name', 'maxlength' => '22'}, 'error' => { 'id' => 'error_name' ,'text' => 'Name must be in alphanumeric', 'class' => 'errorfield hidden'}, 'comment' => {'text' => 'Please tell us your name'}}; #################################### ###Creating a select option #################################### my @options push @options, {'value' => 'Mr', 'text' => 'Mr'}; push @options, {'value' => 'Mrs', 'text' => 'Mrs'}; my $input_select = {'label' => {'text' => 'Title', for => 'mrms'}, 'input' => {'type' => 'select', 'id' => 'mrms', 'name' => 'mrms', 'options' => \@options}, 'error' => {'text' => 'Please select a title', 'class' => 'errorfield hidden'}}; #################################### ###Creating a hidden value #################################### my $input_hidden = {'input' => {'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'John', 'id' => 'name', 'name' => 'name'}}; #################################### ###Creating a submit button #################################### my $input_submit_button = {'input' => {'type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'Submit Form', 'id' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit'}}; ###NOTES### Basically, you just need to change the type to the input type that you want and generate parameters with the input type's attributes ########################################################### ###Having more than 1 input field in a single row ########################################################### my $input_select_dobdd = {'type' => 'select', 'id' => 'dobdd', 'name' => 'dobdd', 'options' => \@ddoptions}; my $input_select_dobmm = {'type' => 'select', 'id' => 'dobmm', 'name' => 'dobmm', 'options' => \@mmoptions}; my $input_select_dobyy = {'type' => 'select', 'id' => 'dobyy', 'name' => 'dobyy', 'options' => \@yyoptions}; my $input_select = {'label' => {'text' => 'Birthday', for => 'dobdd'}, 'input' => [$input_select_dobdd, $input_select_dobmm, $input_select_dobyy], 'error' => {'text' => 'Invalid date.'}}; #Then we add the input field into the Fieldset #You can add using index of the fieldset $form->add_field(0, $input_text); $form->add_field(0, $input_select); $form->add_field(0, $input_submit_button); ########################################################### ### Field value accessors ########################################################### $form->set_field_value('name', 'Omid'); $form->get_field_value('name'); # Returns 'Omid' ########################################################### ### Error message accessors ########################################################### $form->set_field_error_message('name', 'Your name is not good :)'); # or $form->set_field_error_message('error_name', 'Your name is not good :)'); $form->get_field_error_message('name'); # Return 'Your name is not good :)' # or $form->get_field_error_message('error_name'); # Return 'Your name is not good :)' #Finally, we output the form print $form->build(); DESCRIPTION Object-oriented module for displaying an HTML form. Overview of Form's HTML structure The root of the structure is the
element and follow by multiple
elements. In each
, you can create rows which contain label, different input types, error message and comment

element. Full sample based on form definition given in SYNOPSIS


Please tell us your name

Attributes data The form attributes. It should be a hashref. classes The form classes. It should be a hashref. You can customize the form's layout by the classes. The class names used are: fieldset_group NoStackFieldParent RowPadding fieldset_footer comment row extra_tooltip_container backbutton required_asterisk inputtrailing label_column input_column hide_mobile localize The subroutine ref which can be called when translate something like 'Confirm'. The default value is no translating. fieldsets The fieldsets the form have. Methods new my $form = HTML::FormBuilder->new( data =>{id => 'formid', class => 'formclass'}, classes => {row => 'rowdev'}) The id is rquired for the form. add_fieldset my $fieldset_index = $form->add_fieldset({id => 'fieldset1}); the parameter is the fieldset attributes. It will return the fielset index. add_field $form->add_field(0, {input => {type => 'text', value => 'Join'}}); The parameter is the fieldset index to which you want to add the filed and the field attributes. build print $form->build; the data in the $form will be changed when build the form. So you cannot get the same result if you call build twice. AUTHOR Bond Lim COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE