____ _ __ __ _ _ / ___|___ _ ____ _____ _ __| |_ _ _ | \/ | ___ (_|_) | | / _ \| '_ \ \ / / _ \ '__| __| (_|_) | |\/| |/ _ \| | | | |__| (_) | | | \ V / __/ | | |_ _ _ | | | | (_) | | | \____\___/|_| |_|\_/ \___|_| \__| (_|_) |_| |_|\___// |_| |__/ This is the README for Convert::Moji version 0.06. Convert::Moji is a "module" for the Perl computer programming language, a library of computer code to install on a computer. This document contains four sections: 1. About - what the module does 2. Documentation - how to learn more about the module 3. Installation - how to install this module on a computer 4. Help - what to do if you get stuck ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ABOUT Convert::Moji - objects to convert alphabets Convert::Moji creates objects which can be used to convert between different alphabets. It was originally designed to do the work for "Lingua::JA::Moji", to convert between different forms of Japanese writing. It was split out of that module as a general-purpose converter for any alphabets. Create the object. Arguments are a list of array references. The array references should have either the "noninvertible" flag "oneway" or one of the following as its first argument. You can also chain the converters together, with my $does_something = Convert::Moji->new (["table", $mytable], ["tr", $left, $right]); After this comes one more argument, a reference to the hash containing the table. For example my $conv = Convert::Moji->new (["table", \%crazyhash]); The hash keys and values can be any length, so you can convert single characters into words, as in my %crazyhash = {"a" => "apple", "b" => "banana"} and vice-versa if you wish. The conversion will be performed correctly regardless of the weirdness of your table. After this comes one more argument, the name of a file containing some information to convert into a hash table. The file format is space-separated pairs, no comments or blank lines allowed. If the file does not exist or cannot be opened, the module prints an error message, and returns the undefined value. After this comes one or two references to subroutines. The first subroutine is the conversion and the second one is the inversion routine. If you omit the second routine, it is equivalent to specifying "oneway". After this come two arguments, the left and right hand sides of a "tr" expression, for example Convert::Moji->new (["tr", "A-Z", "a-z"]) will convert upper to lower case A "tr" is performed, and inversely for the invert case. Conversions, via "convert", will be performed in the order of the arguments. Inversions will be performed in reverse order of the arguments, skipping uninvertibles. If your conversion doesn't actually go backwards, you can tell the module when you create the object using a keyword "oneway": my $uninvertible = Convert::Moji->new (["oneway", "table", $mytable]); Then $uninvertible->invert doesn't do anything. You can also selectively choose which operations of a list are invertible and which aren't, so that only the invertible ones do something. Load a character conversion table from a file using Convert::Moji->new (["file", $filename]); In this case, the file needs to contain a space-separated list to be converted one into the other. This doesn't handle comments or blank lines in the file. The convert method takes one argument, which is a scalar string to be converted into the other list by the stuff we fed in at "new". Just ignores (passes through) characters which it can't convert. It should have a "strict" option to also validate the input. Inverts the input. Takes two arguments, the first is the string to be inverted back through the conversion process, and the second is the type of conversion to perform if the inversion is ambiguous. This can take one of the following values If the inversion is ambiguous, it picks the first one it finds. If the inversion is ambiguous, it picks one at random. In this case you get an array reference back containing either strings where the inversion was unambiguous, or array references to arrays containing all possible strings. So it's a horrible mess. Like "all" but you get a scalar with all the options in square brackets instead of lots of array references. The second argument part is only implemented for hash table based conversions, and is very likely to be buggy even then. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. DOCUMENTATION You can read the documentation for the module online at the following websites: * http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Convert::Moji * http://metacpan.org/release/Convert-Moji (These links go to the latest version of the module.) After installing the module, you can read the documentation on your computer using perldoc Convert::Moji ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. INSTALLATION To install the module from CPAN, use cpan Convert::Moji If you have the App::cpanminus installer, you may prefer cpanm Convert::Moji To install the module from the source file, Convert-Moji-0.06.tar.gz, follow this sequence of commands: tar xfz Convert-Moji-0.06.tar.gz cd Convert-Moji-0.06 perl Makefile.PL make make install If you want to test the module before installing it, use "make test" after "make" and before "make install". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. HELP To get help with the module, you can email the author, Ben Bullock, at . If you think there is a problem in the module, you can report a bug at , or if you want to alter the source code of Convert::Moji, try the public repository on github at . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This README was written on Wed Nov 27 20:30:24 2013. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------