NAME HTML::JQuery - JQuery for Perl programmers DESCRIPTION HTML::JQuery acts as a bridge between Perl and JQuery/Javascript. It enables Perl programmers to do as much Javascript as they can using Perl. You can create modals, key sequences and even build javascript functions using Perl subroutines. The aim is simple: More Perl, less Javascript. SYNOPSIS Inject Javascript/JQuery into your web apps using Perl. my $j = HTML::JQuery->new; # build a javascript function that injects pure javascript, # HTML::JQuery generated javascript, or both. $j->function(myFuncName => sub { my $modal = $j->modal({ title => 'My Modal Title', message => 'The content inside my modal', }); qq { alert('We can inject pure javascript like this'); $modal }; }); In the above example, when myFuncName() is called an alert box will open, then the modal We can call it using an event handler.. yeah, we can do this with Perl, too. $j->onClick({ class => 'button', event => $j->callFunc('myFuncName') }); So if we add a link, like Click Me to activate myFuncName It will run our newly created function. METHODS html Returns the complete JQuery/Javascript code that the module generates for you. It also includes the .ready() feature so you don't need to worry about that either. It checks to see if init() is a function, and if so, runs it. modal Generates a simple modal window. The returned string is $('#modal_name').dialog('open'); This method needs to be fixed as it's a bit picky with the title. The title is used as the modals id. $j->modal({ title => 'My Modal Title', message => 'The content of my modal', slide => 1, # gives it a cool "slide" effect when it opens }); keystrokes This method uses the jquery.keystrokes plugin. The syntax is extremely easy to use and works exactly as expected. Easily create events based on key presses. $j->keystrokes({ keys => [qw/ctrl+alt c/], success => $j->callFunc('callme'), }); The above code will run whatever is set in success once ctrl+alt then m is pressed. If you need to use arrow keys, try this. $j->keystrokes({ keys => ['arrow left', 'arrow down', 'arrow right', 'a', 'c'], success => 'alert("Ryu says: Hadouken!");', }); callFunc Calls a Javascript function so you can use it in other events, ie: onClick It also checks to make sure it's a valid function, and if not returns false $j->callFunc(funcName); onClick Create an onClick event. You decide what element the event is for by setting id => or class => For example, if you use class => 'button' then the event handler will be $('.button') or $('#button') for id => 'button'. The other argument is event. Once the onClick is triggered, the value in event will be run. $j->function(clickMe => sub { qq { alert("I have been clicked.. arghhhh"); } }); $j->onClick({ id => 'button', event => $j->callFunc('clickMe') }); innerHtml Adds the value of html to the specified class or id element. Similar to jQuery's $('element').html(); I really need to add an append also. # an empty div in the HTML
# then from Perl $j->innerHtml({ id => 'mydiv', html => 'Oh wow! There is text in here now'}); function Builds a standard Javascript function. If you call it 'init' then that function will be run automatically once the document has loaded. $j->function(init => sub { qq{ alert('Your document has loaded'); } }); Javascript functions can be called with $j->callFunc(funcName) BUGS Please e-mail AUTHOR Brad Haywood COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2011 the above author(s). This sofware is free software, and is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.