NAME URI::Template - Object for handling URI templates SYNOPSIS use URI::Template; my $template = URI::Template->new( '{x}' ); my $uri = $template->process( x => 'y' ); # uri is a URI object with value '' DESCRIPTION This is an initial attempt to provide a wrapper around URI templates as described at INSTALLATION To install this module via Module::Build: perl Build.PL ./Build # or `perl Build` ./Build test # or `perl Build test` ./Build install # or `perl Build install` To install this module via ExtUtils::MakeMaker: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install METHODS new( $uri ) as_string( ) Returns the original template string. Also used when the object is stringified. variables( ) Returns an array of variable names found in the template. process( %vars ) Given a list of key-value pairs, it will URI escape the values and substitute them in to the template. Returns a URI object. process_to_string( %vars ) Processes key-values pairs like the "process" method, but doesn't inflate the result to a URI object. AUTHOR * Brian Cassidy COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2007 by Brian Cassidy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.