Term::GDBUI README Scott Bronson 16 Dec 2003 Term::GDBUI makes it easy (almost trivial) to implement a very comprehensive Bash or GDB-like user interface. It supports history, autocompletion, quoting, escaping, pretty much everything you would expect of a decent shell. This module would seem similar to Sullivan Beck's Term::TUI module except that Term::TUI presents its own hierarchical-style interface and GDBUI tries to emulate Bash and GDB as much as possible. PREREQUISITES None! It runs just fine with Perl's default Term::ReadLine. However, it will be missing a number of features such as command history, completion, etc. Install Term::ReadLine::GNU or Term::ReadLine::Perl to take advantage of these. INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install LICENSE Copyright (c) 2003 Scott Bronson, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR Scott Bronson bronson@rinspin.com