This is the README file for dms, a Document Management System. This package implements a backend document system, implemented in layers. Document::Repository is the foundation of the application. It provides low level access to the document repository itself, performing the file operations to add, get, and update entries in the repository's file system. It is not intended to be used directly, however administration scripts are provided for operating directly on the files. These scripts are repo_*. Document::Manager is a mid-level interface, that wrappers Document::Repository. It provides an API that can be used by clients for interacting with the system. dmsd is a SOAP-based daemon that provides access to Document::Manager as a service on port 8012. It provides access for clients to any routine in Document::Manager via the SOAP protocol. submit_clipart is a client tool for scanning a directory structure and submitting any *.svg files it finds there to the central repository. ls_docs is another client tool for listing the document id's in the repository. For instructions on how to install this application, see the file INSTALL. Problems, questions, etc. may be sent to dms is Copyright (c) 2004, by Bryce W. Harrington. All rights reserved. You may distribute this code under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.