Name YOTE Summary Yote is a platform for creating web based applications by bridging client side javascript with server side, automatically persistent perl objects. Yote provides javascript objects with methods that map to their server side counterparts. See for more information. Note As of this writing Yote is on version 0.072. It is not yet stable and is in pre-alpha mode. Consider this alpha software once version 0.100 is reached. Please email to report bugs or issues or feature requests. Requirements * perl version 5.10 * A webserver that can run perl cgi files * jquery (provided with this distribution, or from * Some sort of server-side storage (MySQL or a writable file) Install Yote $ perl Build.PL $ ./Build $ ./Build test $ ./Build install Changing Ports If you want to change the port once yote has been installed, Verify by running html test $ yote_server open http:///yote/unit_tests.html Using Yote Start the Web App Server Starting the Web App Server from the command line: $ yote_server This starts the server on the default port (8008), using SQLiteIO, and writing to file ~/.yote/SQLite.yote.db. Starting the Web App Server from a package: use Yote::WebAppServer; my $server = new Yote::WebAppServer(); $server->start_server( port => 8008, datastore => 'Yote::SQLiteIO', sqlitefile => 'yote.database' ); Coding with Yote Client Side Server Side package Yote::Hello; use strict; use Yote::Obj; # # A singleton of this class is created and accessed by the # client with get_app. # use base 'Yote::AppRoot'; # # Init is called only the very first time an Yote::AppRoot # is instantiated. # sub init { my $self = shift; # # 'get_counter' does not need an explicit definition. # A get_ method passed an argument will use that as a default. # my $counter = $self->get_counter( new Yote::Obj() ); } # # The client object can call this directly. # hello_app.hello({ name:"wilma" }); # The argument { name => "wilma" } is passed to the $data parameter of the method. # If a user is logged in on the client, that user will have an account root container # object associated with the approot singleton. This container will be used to store # user data specific to this app, like documents, stats and the like. # sub hello { my( $self, $data, $acct_root, $acct ) = @_; my $name = $data->{name}; my $counter = $self->get_counter(); # # 'set_count' does not need an explicit definition. # $counter->set_count( $counter->get_count() + 1 ); # # The return value is a string in this case. # var msg = hello_app.hello({name:"foo"}); # msg will be the string "hello there 'foo'. I have said hello 1 times." # return "hello there '$name'. I have said hello ". $counter->get_count() . " times."; } 1;