Yote requirements : -------------------------------------------------------
* perl version 5.10
* file location or mysql database
* webserver that can run perl cgi files
* jquery (provided with this distrubution, too)
Yote setup-----------------------------------------------------------------
To set up the Yote Web App Server, you will need to
* put the Yote::WebAppServer module in your path
* modify the start_server.pl file
* get a web server that can run cgi files.
* get yote.cgi from http://fenowyn.com/yote/dl/yote.txt
* yote.cgi into your cgi-bin directory
* get js files from http://fenowyn.com/yote/js/yote.js (also in that dir : jquery-latest.js, json2.js, jquery.base64.min.js )
* to put scripts/yote.js into a javascript directory on your webserver
* to put scripts/*.js into your javascript directory (if you don't have those already)
If you want to have Yote run on a mysql back end, you must
* create a database for yote to run on.
* run the init_datastore.pl program to set up tables on the database.
Using Yote -----------------------------------------------------------------
(see http://fenowyn.com/yote)
Starting the Web App Server with default port 8008 using SQLiteIO (writing to file ~/.yote/SQLite.yote.db) :
just launch
Starting the Web App Server via libraries
use Yote::WebAppServer;
my $server = new Yote::WebAppServer();
$server->start_server( port => 8008,
datastore => 'Yote::SQLiteIO',
sqlitefile => 'yote.database' );
# -----------------------------
Client Side Coding
# -------------------------------
Server Side Coding
package Yote::Hello;
use strict;
use Yote::Obj;
use base 'Yote::AppRoot';
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $counter = $self->get_counter( new Yote::Obj() );
sub hello {
my( $self, $data, $acct ) = @_;
my $name = $data->{name};
my $counter = $self->get_counter();
$counter->set_count( $counter->get_count() + 1 );
return "hello there '$name'. I have said hello ".$counter->get_count()." times.";