Audio-ScratchLive ============== # # Audio::ScratchLive Perl Module # Author: Chase Whitener # Last Updated - Mar 28, 2009 # The following Perl module is to facilitate crate and database management with the Scratch LIVE application from Serato. Note - This module is in no way official from Rane/Serato. There are bound to be some issues, so please make a backup of all crates and databases before attempting anything with this module. There is a functioning Java application called ScratchTools to aid with crate management as well. HISTORY I am a DJ as well as a programmer. I use Scratch LIVE now as it has become ubiquitous in the DJ circle. I have noticed that maintaining crates can get quite cumbersome, especially when you have multiple thousands of tracks to deal with. Hell, just try to change the location of a track! For that reason, this module was born. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install - To use the module afterwards, you'll need to do this: use Audio::ScratchLive; INSTALLATION - alternate To install this module to a different path: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/path/to/some/dir make make test make install - To use the module afterwards, you'll need to to this: use lib '/path/to/some/dir'; use Audio::ScratchLive; DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Carp File::Spec File::Slurp WHAT WORKS Reading crate and database information. WHAT DOESN'T WORK (a.k.a. TO DO) * Figuring out exactly what all of the unknown fields are. * Some more crate reading stuff. * Being able to write altered crate and DB files. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chase Whitener cwhitener at gmail dot com genio on EFNET #perl