The RT::Authen::Federation module will allow to use federated authentication for RT via Shibboleth, PAPI, or any other federation system. This README is a short guide for installing this module, and it will explain the needed steps for enabling this authentication extension. RT::Authen::Federation is freely available under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License. Carlos Fuentes RedIRIS, the Spanish Research & Education Network November, 2007 REQUIRED PACKAGES: ------------------ * RT 3.6.x or later, configured, installed and tested. * APR::Table Installation instructions: -------------------------- 1) Install RT 3.7 following RT's regular installation instructions 2) Run "perl Makefile.PL" to generate a makefile for RT::Authen::Federation. 3) Type "make install". Configuring RT -------------- After you have installed the module, you have to add and configure the $FederationConfig variable into the RT_SiteConfig file, in order to enable federated authentication. In the case this variable is not present, the module won't be active. $FederationConfig has the following components: * RootUID -> The module is using the value of this field to identify who has right to fall back to the RT authentication, once that user gets in the RT authentication, it will have the chance for loging as root in the system. * NetIDAttr -> The value of this field will point to the field of the federation credentials which is storing the NetID. This NetID will be used by the module as user unique identifier. Though not required, it is recommended to use an e-mail address, as RT will probably use its value to send messages to the user. * UIDAttr -> The value of this field will point to the field of the federation credentials which is storing the Username. * MailAttr -> The value of this field will * GroupAttr -> The value of this field will point to the field of the federation credentials which is storing the group(s) what the user belongs to. * GroupSeparator-> The value of this fied configures a string acting as separator inside the attribute identified by 'GroupAttr'. * GroupsMapped -> This is the mapping between Federation Groups and RT Groups. You should take care of the fact that, if a user doesn't belong to any of the mapped groups, it will be a non-privileged user, and therefore it will be accessing to the unprivileged interface of RT. However if the user belongs to one of the mapped groups, it will be able to access the full interface of RT. * LogOutURL -> This field will contain a URL for logging out of the federation If you are not interesed on using group mapping, you should not define GroupAttr, GroupSeparator and GroupsMapped variables. Using the module in this way, all the users will be created as unprivileged. Set($FederationConfig, { 'RootUID' => 'someone@domain.xx', 'NetIDAttr' => 'Federation Attribute Mail' 'UIDAttr' => 'Federation Attribute UID', 'GroupAttr' => 'Federation Attribute Group(s)', 'LogOutURL' => 'URL for deleting the federation credentials', 'GroupSeparator' => 'Symbol uses for separating the groups', 'GroupsMapped' => { # Mapping between Federation groups and RT groups 'FederationGroup1' => 'RTGroup1', 'FederationGroup2' => 'RTGroup2', ..... 'FederationGroupN' => 'RTGroupN', }, });