=head1 NAME CCCP::ConfigXML - Load XML config =head1 SYNOPSIS Load XML file. Example: TestApp bar xyzzy x1 x2 x3 x4 In your code: use CCCP::ConfigXML; # like XML::Bare my $cnf = CCCP::ConfigXML->new( file => 'some_config.xml' ); # or you can: my $cnf = CCCP::ConfigXML->new( text => $xml_string ); # now, you can read $cnf->name; # TestApp $cnf->component->foo; # bar $cnf->component->_attr->name; # Controller::Foo # and can set $cnf->name('NewTestApp'); # 1 $cnf->name; # NewTestApp # loop element print "$_" for @{$cnf->foo->bar}; =head1 DESCRIPTION Using L for parsing and B to access. =head1 NOTE Config is the basis of applications and values in it are known in advance. Config values should not be checked for validity or existence. Therefore, this module does not contain any verification of the existence of values. Use only read access. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L =item * test in t/ as example =back =head1 AUTHOR Ivan Sivirinov Ecatamoose [at] yandex.ruE =cut