Net::Printer - Perl extension for direct-to-lpd printing. Last Modified: $Date: 2004-11-27 13:32:32 -0500 (Sat, 27 Nov 2004) $ Perl module for directly printing to a print server/printer without having to create a pipe to either lpr or lp. This essentially mimics what the BSD LPR program does by connecting directly to the line printer printer port (almost always 515), and transmitting the data and control information to the print server. Please note that this module only communicates with the BSD Line Printer Daemon Protocol as described in RFC-1179 ( It does not natively speak to remote print servers via SMB, Apple-Talk or Netware. Remote print services running lpsched, such as Sun Solaris or other Sys V-derived operating systems, will work so long as the print spoolers are set up to understand the BSD protocol. Most modern network-capable laser printers, such as those manufactured by HP and LexMark, also "speak" BSD. CUPS-based servers will work provided that cups-lpd has been set up and properly configured. This module replaces my older LinePrinter module which should be considered obsolete and potentially full of security holes (not to mention my horrid programming ;) Installation: 1) perl Makefile.PL 2) make 3) [optional] su 4) [optional] perl 5) make install More information can be found via perldoc. Systems: This module has been tested under the following systems: * Linux * Sun Solaris 5.6 SPARC (Jochen Stenzel) * Sun Solaris 2.7 x86 * UnixWARE 2.1.3 * Cygwin 1.1 Win32 (Neil Lunn) * OpenBSD 3.2 It should run successfully on other systems. Feel free to notify me if this module works successfully under other OSes. - Chris Fuhrman