NAME Time::Moment - Represents a date and time with a time zone offset from UTC SYNOPSIS $tm = Time::Moment->now; $tm = Time::Moment->from_epoch($seconds [, $microsecond [, $offset ]]); $tm = Time::Moment->from_object($object); $tm = Time::Moment->from_string("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffff±hh:mm"); $year = $tm->year; # [1, 9999] $quarter = $tm->quarter; # [1, 4] $month = $tm->month; # [1, 12] $day = $tm->day_of_year; # [1, 366] $day = $tm->day_of_quarter; # [1, 92] $day = $tm->day_of_month; # [1, 31] $day = $tm->day_of_week; # [1=Monday, 7=Sunday] $hour = $tm->hour; # [0, 23] $minute = $tm->minute; # [0, 59] $second = $tm->second; # [0, 59] $millisecond = $tm->millisecond; # [0, 999] $microsecond = $tm->microsecond; # [0, 999_999] $epoch = $tm->epoch; $offset = $tm->offset; # [-1080, 1080] $tm2 = $tm1->with_offset($offset); $string = $tm->strftime($format); $boolean = $tm1->is_before($tm2); $boolean = $tm1->is_after($tm2); $boolean = $tm1->is_equal($tm2); $integer = $tm1->compare($tm2); @values = $tm->utc_rd_values; $seconds = $tm->utc_rd_as_seconds; @values = $tm->local_rd_values; $seconds = $tm->local_rd_as_seconds; $boolean = $tm1 == $tm2; $boolean = $tm1 != $tm2; $boolean = $tm1 < $tm2; $boolean = $tm1 > $tm2; $boolean = $tm1 <= $tm2; $boolean = $tm1 >= $tm2; $string = "$tm"; # YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffff±hh:mm DESCRIPTION Represents a date and time with a time zone offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 calendar with microsecond resolution. IMPORTANT: This is an early preview release available for testing and feedback. The API is still subject to change. METHODS DIAGNOSTICS (F) Usage: %s Method called with wrong number of arguments. SEE ALSO SUPPORT Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at . You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue. SOURCE CODE This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license. git clone AUTHOR Christian Hansen "" COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 by Christian Hansen. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.