NAME URL::Encode - Encoding and decoding of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" encoding. SYNOPSIS $octets = url_decode($octets); $string = url_decode_utf8($octets); $octets = url_encode($octets); $octets = url_encode_utf8($string); url_params_each($octets, $callback [, $utf8 = false]); $params = url_params_flat($octets [, $utf8 = false]); $params = url_params_mixed($octets [, $utf8 = false]); $params = url_params_multi($octets [, $utf8 = false]); DESCRIPTION This module provides functions to encode and decode strings into and from the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" encoding. FUNCTIONS url_decode Decodes a urlencoded octet string. *Usage* $octets = url_decode($octets); url_decode_utf8 Decodes a urlencoded octet string using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. *Usage* $string = url_decode_utf8($octets); url_encode Encodes an octet string into a urlencoded encoding. *Usage* $octets = url_encode($octets); url_encode_utf8 Encodes a character string into a urlencoded encoding using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. *Usage* $octets = url_encode($string); url_params_each Decodes a urlencoded data set invoking a callback for each name/value pair. *Usage* $callback = sub { my ($name, $value) = @_; }; url_params_each($octets, $callback); url_params_each($octets, $callback, $utf8); url_params_flat Decodes a urlencoded data set into an "ARRAY" reference like: [ "name", "value", "name", "value" ] *Usage* $array = url_params_flat($octets); $array = url_params_flat($octets, $utf8); url_params_mixed Decodes a urlencoded data set into a "HASH" reference like: { name => "value", name => [ "value", "value" ] } *Usage* $hash = url_params_mixed($octets); $hash = url_params_mixed($octets, $utf8); url_params_multi Decodes a urlencoded data set into a "HASH" reference like: { name => [ "value" ], name => [ "value", "value" ] } *Usage* $hash = url_params_multi($octets); $hash = url_params_multi($octets, $utf8); EXPORTS None by default. All functions can be exported using the ":all" tag or individually. DIAGNOSTICS (F) Usage: %s Subroutine called with wrong number of arguments. (F) Wide character in octet string (F) Malformed UTF-8 in URL-decoded octets SEE ALSO URL::Encode::XS XS implementation of "URL::Encode". CGI::Deurl::XS SUPPORT Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at AUTHOR Christian Hansen "" COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 by Christian Hansen. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.