NAME Test::DBIx::Class::Schema - DBIx::Class schema sanity checking tests DESCRIPTION It's really useful to be able to test and confirm that DBIC classes have and support a known set of methods. Testing these one-by-one is more than tedious and likely to discourage you from writing the relevant test scripts. As a lazy person myself I don't want to write numerous near-identical scripts. Test::DBIx::Class::Schema takes the copy-and-paste out of DBIC schema class testing. SYNOPSIS Create a test script that looks like this: #!/usr/bin/perl # vim: ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 sr sta use strict; use warnings; # load the module that provides all of the common test functionality use Test::DBIx::Class::Schema; # create a new test object my $schematest = Test::DBIx::Class::Schema->new( { # required dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb', namespace => 'MyDB::Schema', moniker => 'SomeTable', # optional username => 'some_user', password => 'opensesame', } ); # tell it what to test $schematest->methods( { columns => [ qw[ id column1 column2 columnX foo_id ] ], relations => [ qw[ foo ] ], custom => [ qw[ some_method ] ], resultsets => [ qw[ ] ], } ); # run the tests $schematest->run_tests(); Run the test script: prove -l t/schematest/xx.mydb.t done_testing Under normal circumstances there is no need to add "done_testing" to your test script; it's automatically called at the end of "run_tests()" *unless* you are running tests under Test::Aggregate. If you are running aggregated tests you will need to add done_testing; to your top-level script. SEE ALSO DBIx::Class, Test::More, Test::Aggregate AUTHOR Chisel Wright "" LICENSE Copyright 2008-2010 by Chisel Wright This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See