NAME Test::DBIx::Class::Schema - DBIx::Class schema sanity checking tests VERSION version 1.0.6 SYNOPSIS Create a test script that looks like this: #!/usr/bin/perl # vim: ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 sr sta use strict; use warnings; # load the module that provides all of the common test functionality use Test::DBIx::Class::Schema; # create a new test object my $schematest = Test::DBIx::Class::Schema->new( { # required dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb', # or use schema option namespace => 'MyDB::Schema', moniker => 'SomeTable', # optional username => 'some_user', password => 'opensesame', glue => 'Result', # fix class name if needed # rather than calling diag will test that all columns/relationships # are accounted for in your test and fail the test if not test_missing => 1, } ); # tell it what to test $schematest->methods( { columns => [ qw[ id column1 column2 columnX foo_id ] ], relations => [ qw[ foo ] ], custom => [ qw[ some_method ] ], resultsets => [ qw[ ] ], } ); # run the tests $schematest->run_tests(); Run the test script: prove -l t/schematest/xx.mydb.t Options Either "dsn" (eg "dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb") or "schema" (an already created schema object) must be set. If the database requires credentials, set "username" and "password". "namespace", "glue" and "moniker" define the class being tested. For example, if your class is "MyDB::Schema::Result::SomeTable" then use: namespace => 'MyDB::Schema', glue => 'Result, moniker => 'SomeTable', "glue" is not required if the combination of "namespace" and "moniker" is enough to define the class, e.g. "MyDB::Schema::SomeTable". done_testing Under normal circumstances there is no need to add "done_testing" to your test script; it's automatically called at the end of "run_tests()" *unless* you are running tests under Test::Aggregate. If you are running aggregated tests you will need to add done_testing; to your top-level script. DESCRIPTION It's really useful to be able to test and confirm that DBIC classes have and support a known set of methods. Testing these one-by-one is more than tedious and likely to discourage you from writing the relevant test scripts. As a lazy person myself I don't want to write numerous near-identical scripts. Test::DBIx::Class::Schema takes the copy-and-paste out of DBIC schema class testing. SEE ALSO DBIx::Class, Test::More, Test::Aggregate CONTRIBUTORS Gianni Ceccarelli "", Darius Jokilehto, Jason Tang "", Rupert Lane () AUTHOR Chisel Wright COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Chisel Wright. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.