++ WARNING: There is absolutely no warranty for this software ++ ++ package. See the file COPYING for details. ++ Important reading ----------------- Please check the following files for further information *BEFORE* sending us your questions: INSTALL detailed installation instructions BUGS how to make a bug report and where to send it Known_problems check before you report compilation problems DEPENDENCIES Other software that PDL relies on (and where to get it) perldl.conf PDL configuration options Basic/Pod/FAQ.pod the FAQ in pod format try 'perldoc PDL::FAQ' after installation Basic/Pod/Impatient.pod a quick overview of PDL try 'perldoc PDL::Impatient' after installation Basic/Pod/BadValues.pod a discussion of the bad value support in PDL PDL::Index a guide to PDL documentation !only available *after* successful installation! try 'perldoc PDL::Index' DEVELOPMENT how to participate in the development of PDL Release_Notes a list of issues with regard to the current version always worth checking! *Note* that most PDL documentation is available online within the perldl shell. Try the help command within the shell! PDL -- the package ------------------ The Perl Data Language (PerlDL) project aims to turn perl into an efficient numerical language for scientific computing. The PDL module gives standard perl the ability to COMPACTLY store and SPEEDILY manipulate the large N-dimensional data sets which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. e.g. $a=$b+$c can add two 2048x2048 images in only a fraction of a second. The aim is to provide tons of useful functionality for scientific and numeric analysis. Check the pdl web site at http://pdl.perl.org for more information. Installation ------------ Please read the file INSTALL for detailed information on how to configure and install PDL. Once you have built PDL and either installed it or done 'make doctest', try either perl -Mblib perldl from within the root of the PDL tree or just perldl if you have installed PDL already ('make install') to get the interactive PDL shell. In this shell, 'help' gives you access to PDL documentation for each function separately ('help help' for more about this) and 'demo' gives you some basic examples of what you can do. Bug Reports ----------- You can check the existing PDL bugs on sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=612&atid=100612 The mailing list archives can be searched/read at http://mailman.jach.hawaii.edu/pipermail/perldl/ http://mailman.jach.hawaii.edu/pipermail/pdl-porters/ Questions about problems and possible bugs can be discussed via the perldl mailing list. This is very useful if you are not sure what you have is a bug or not. If you need to post a problem report, please use the sourceforge.net bug tracker system following the guidance in the BUGS file: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=612&atid=100612 Notes ----- Directory structure: Basic/ - The stuff that PDL would be no use without Demos/ - Showcase for PDL, type demo at the perldl prompt. Example/ - Sample programs using PDL Graphics/ - The stuff that PDL needs to make pictures IO/ - The stuff that PDL needs to write and read strange files Lib/ - The stuff that PDL would still be useful without but which makes PDL even more useful Padre/ - Experiments for PDL+Padre integration and perldl shell v2 Comments are welcome - so are volunteers to write code and documentation! Please contact the developers mailing list pdl-porters@jach.hawaii.edu (subscription address: pdl-porters-request@jach.hawaii.edu) with ideas and suggestions. The pdl-porters team. Compilation Reports: -------------------- The CPAN Testers' result page provides a database showing the results of compiling PDL and many other CPAN packages on multiple platforms. See http://testers.cpan.org/