NAME Apache::RefererBlock - block request based upon "Referer" header SYNOPSIS In your Apache configuration file, add something like PerlModule Apache::RefererBlock PerlFixupHandler Apache::RefererBlock RefBlockMimeTypes image/gif image/jpeg RefBlockAllowed RefBlockRedirect RefBlockRedirect RefBlockDebug On All directives are optional. DESCRIPTION Apache::RefererBlock will examine each request. If the MIME type of the requested file is one of those listed in RefBlockMimeTypes, it will check the request's "Referer" header. If the referrer starts with one of the strings listed in RefBlockAllowed, access is granted. Otherwise, if there's a RefBlockRedirect directive for the referrer, a redirect is issued. Otherwise, a "Forbidden" (403) error is returned. INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make install REQUIREMENTS mod_perl 1.16_01 or greater apache 1.3.3 or greater AVAILABILITY The latest version can be fetched from . AUTHOR Eric CHOLET COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1998 Eric Cholet. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.