Test::MockObject version 1.03 ============================= * NOTES * Because you can break this module very badly by using the isa() and can() methods as if they were functions, version 1.01 uses the UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can modules. They'll do the right thing but complain about it so that you can fix the offending code. These require Perl 5.6.0 or better. I removed T::MO::add() as of version 1.0. I deprecated it a long, long time ago. Also, T::MO::E should handle a few more types of extending now, but please report any weirdnesses to http://rt.cpan.org/ for this module if you run into trouble. The documentation of T::MO::E is correct as of version 0.20. Also, isa() works much better in T::MO, thanks to Stevan Little. You can now skip logging certain mocked methods in T::MO and T::MO::E version 0.15. Finally! I've added Test::MockObject:Extends in version 0.14. This required making Test::MockObject a little more subclassable. As of version 0.12, I've fixed the false positives in called_ok(). Jay Bonci found this one and wrote the test case. Oops. As of version 0.11, I've fixed a potential infinite loop with a set_series() mocked method called in list context. Yuck. As of version 0.10, mock objects no longer store their state within the objects themselves. That also means that you can have mock objects that aren't hash references. Nifty. As of version 0.09, method chaining works for mocking methods. Handy! Use it! As of version 0.07, the add() method has been deprecated in favor of mock(). It continues to work, for backwards compatibility purposes, but you are encouraged to migrate to mock(). (Thank you for using the module, though. :) Test::MockObject is a highly polymorphic testing object, capable of looking like all sorts of objects. This makes white-box testing much easier, as you can concentrate on what the code being tested sends to and receives from the mocked object, instead of worrying about faking up your own data. (Another option is not to test difficult things. Now you have no excuse.) Please note that it is possible to write highly detailed unit tests that pass even when your integration tests may fail. Testing the pieces individually does not excuse you from testing the whole thing together. I consider this to be a feature. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: $ perl Build.PL $ ./Build $ ./Build test # ./Build install You can also use the Makefile.PL. I don't. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::Simple version 0.44 or newer (I fixed a bug :) Scalar::Util, without which you have a broken Perl installation UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can (always the latest versions) COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 chromatic. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.