Module::Reload::Selective -- reload perl modules during development Utility for module developers to selectively reload needed modules and/or conditionally augment @INC with additional, per-developer library directories, at development time based on environment variables. Particularly helpful in conjunction with mod_perl applications where some or all application logic resides in separate Perl modules that would otherwise not get reloaded until the server restarts. Copyright (c) 2002, Chris Thorman. Released to the public under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. =head1 SYNOPSIS Instead of: use Foobar::MyModule; Do this: use Module::Reload::Selective; &Module::Reload::Selective->reload(qw(Foobar::MyModule)); Or, if you need the "import" semantics of "use", do this: use Foobar::MyModule (@ImportArgs); Do this: use Module::Reload::Selective; Module::Reload::Selective->reload(qw(Foobar::MyModule)); import Foobar::MyModule (@ImportArgs); ... then configure your server or other runtime environment settings to trigger Module::Reload::Selective to only kick in when you need. For example: you could have it kick in only when the web server is running on a particular port number or particular (development) host. FURTHER INFO Extensive discussion and examples are given in the source / docs. Read the full documentation in Or, after installing, read the man page using: man Module::Reload::Selective perldoc Module::Reload::Selective BUILDING perl Makefile.PL make make test make install FEEDBACK TO Chris Thorman,