Getopt::Mixed 1.006 Copyright 1995 Christopher J. Madsen This module provides GNU-style option processing for Perl 5 scripts, with both long and short options. Please see the documentation at the end of the module for instructions on its use and licensing restrictions. tstopt1 and tstopt2 are sample scripts using Getopt::Mixed. They accept the following options and associated arguments: -a, --apples=N Mandatory real number argument --apricots=N Mandatory real number argument -b[N] Optional integer argument -c No arguments -d[STRING] Optional string argument -f, --file=STRING Mandatory string argument --pears=N Mandatory real number argument -?, --help No arguments -V, --version No arguments Since these are just sample scripts, the options don't actually mean anything. tstopt1 demonstrates the simple method of using Getopt::Mixed, and tstopt2 demonstrates the flexible method.