LibA2 Release 0.002 Copyright 1996 Christopher J. Madsen LibA2 provides both end-user utilities and library modules for accessing files on Apple II ProDOS disk images for use with most Apple II emulators. This is an ALPHA release of LibA2. This means that documentation is minimal (i.e, nonexistent (Use the source, Luke!)), bugs are likely, and the interfaces are liable to change. Use at your own risk. Keep a recent backup handy. Wait sixty minutes before swimming. All this having been said, I'm not aware of any serious bugs in LibA2 (besides the ones listed in the BUGS section below). Good luck! Please send comments, questions, bug reports, and patches to me. You'll find my email address at the end of this file. The included utilities are: version 0.008 `' is the main end-user utility. It provides a Unix-style shell for accessing ProDOS volumes. This allows you to list the contents of disk images, create subdirectories, and copy files to & from disk images. If you have installed the Term::ReadKey and Term::ReadLine modules, the shell will have better editing, command & filename completion, and a command history. The parameters for are: prodos IMAGE_FILE version 0.003 `' creates blank ProDOS disk images. The images are NOT bootable, because they lack the necessary code in the boot blocks. You can copy blocks 0 and 1 from a bootable disk to fix this. The parameters for are: pro_fmt VOLUME_NAME SIZE_IN_BLOCKS IMAGE_FILE This is likely to change in the future. version 0.002 `' removes unused space from ProDOS disk images. This is most useful for reducing the size of hard disk images. It doesn't use any form of compression; it simply moves everything to the beginning of the disk, squashing out empty space caused by deleting files. Be careful with this, as it's likely to have some bugs left. The parameters for are: pro_opt SOURCE_IMAGE_FILE DESTINATION_IMAGE_FILE version 0.004 `' converts AppleWorks word processor files into text files. This is a bit out of place in LibA2, because it has nothing to do with disk images, but I included it because users of LibA2 may find it useful. The parameters for awp2txt are: awp2txt FILE ... For people interested in writing their own utilities in Perl, LibA2 provides Perl 5 modules that supply classes for accessing ProDOS disk images. DOS 3.3 disks are not currently supported (except by AppleII::Disk, which doesn't care what kind of data is on the disk). The included modules are: AppleII::Disk version 0.008 `AppleII::Disk' provides block-level access to disk images. It's useful because there are two main formats for Apple disk images: ProDOS order and DOS 3.3 order. These formats do not refer to the operating system used on the disk, but to the order in which the data appears. AppleII::Disk takes care of the differences for you. AppleII::ProDOS version 0.018 `AppleII::ProDOS' provides tools for accessing files on ProDOS disk images. `' is basically just a wrapper around AppleII::ProDOS. LICENSE LibA2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. LibA2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. BUGS If you use Unix or a similar operating system The utilities don't have the executable attribute set. Sorry, but I use OS/2 and can't figure out how to create tar archives with the executable bit set. Please change into the `bin' directory and type `chmod a+x *.pl'. If you know of a better way of fixing this, please let me know. Documentation There isn't any. Yet. AppleII::ProDOS Cannot add blocks to a subdirectory. If you try to add files to a subdirectory with no free entries, it dies. There's no way to copy a file from a disk image under another name. This may cause problems under MS-DOS when extracting files that don't meet its 8.3 filename limitations. Solution: Upgrade to OS/2 and use HPFS. :-) The disk images it creates aren't bootable unless you copy the boot blocks from a bootable disk. AUTHOR Christopher J. Madsen