This is a quick little demo using the AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart taglib within AxKit to create, add to, update, and delete from a shopping cart. To run this demo, you will need to have already installed DBD::SQlite, AxKit and the following Taglibs: AxKit::XSP::Cookie AxKit::XSP::Param If you have DBD::SQLLite installed, simply run in this directory to create the database used by default. If you would like use another database, you should be able to run t/sql/cart_create_table.sql against the database of your choosing to create the require schema. Make sure to change httpd.conf.include to reflect the correct db_name, db_driver, etc. See the Handel::DBI docs for all of the database connection variables available. To setup the Handel shopping cart demo, just include httpd.conf.include in your existing httpd.conf file like so: Include /path/to/this/httpd.conf.include Don't forget to change DocumentRoot, ErrorLog, db_name and 'use lib' to match your system configuration and the installation of Handel.