INTRODUCTION: - Execute JavaScript from within Perl is an interface to the SpiderMonkey JS engine. It lets you execute JS code, call JS functions, bind Perl classes to JS, import Perl functions to JS, precompile and exeute scripts among many other things. It does conversion between Perl and JS datatypes. Example: use JavaScript; $rt = new JavaScript::Runtime(); $cx = $rt->create_context(); $cx->eval(q! function test(a, b, c) { return a * b * c; } !); print "4 * 5 * 2 = " . $cx->call("test", 4, 5, 2); ------------- INSTALLATION: To install, make sure you have libjs installed. Otherwize, grab a recent one from The module is tested with 1.5 and later. Debian users can alternatively install the libsmjs-dev package by doing > apt-get install libsmjs-dev Once libjs is installed and jsapi.h and other necessery headers can be found do: > perl Makefile.PL > make > make test > make install If you're getting errors in make test that looks something like "Assertion failure: (uint32)2 < JS_MIN(((obj)->map)->freeslot, ((obj)->map)->nslots), at jsapi.c:1969" you probablly have a libjs built with JS_THREADSAFE. To fix the problem set the environment vairable JS_THREADSAFE before running perl Makefile.PL. This should fix the problem. -------------- DOCUMENTATION: usage reference is available as POD, simply do > perldoc JavaScript ------------ INFORMATION: = Mailing list is on the way,, send an empty email to Please send questions/patches/docs/comments to "Claes Jacobsson", ------- THANKS: Joost Diepenmaat for fixing lots of stuff. SpiderMonkey creators at Netscape and #perl on for support and feedback (ingy, Addi, sky, Co-Kane, sheriff_p, crab and everyone else i forgot to mention). COPYRIGHT: ---------- Copyright (c) 2001-2005, Claes Jacobsson, All Rights Reserved. is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same conditions as perl itself.