NAME Algorithm::Bertsekas - auction algorithm for the assignment problem. This is a perl implementation for the auction algorithm for the assymmetric (N<=M) allocation problem. DESCRIPTION The assignment problem in the general form can be stated as follows: "Given N jobs (or persons), M tasks (or objects) and the effectiveness of each job for each task, the problem is to assign each job to one and only one task in such a way that the measure of effectiveness is optimised (Maximised or Minimised)." "Each assignment problem has associated with a table or matrix. Generally, the rows contain the jobs or people we wish to assign, and the columns comprise the tasks or objects we want them assigned to. The numbers in the table are the costs associated with each particular assignment." One application is to find the (nearest/more distant) neighbors. The distance between neighbors can be represented by a matrix or a weight function, for example: 1: f(i,j) = abs ($array1[i] - $array2[j]) 2: f(i,j) = ($array1[i] - $array2[j]) ** 2 SYNOPSIS use Algorithm::Bertsekas qw(auction); my @array1 = ( 19, 74, 58, 1 ) my @array2 = ( 94, 55, 90, 45, 56, 95, 90 ); my $min = $#array1 < $#array2 ? $#array1 : $#array2; my $max = $#array1 < $#array2 ? $#array2 : $#array1; for my $i ( 0 .. $#array1 ){ my @weight_function; for my $j ( 0 .. $#array2 ){ my $weight = abs ($array1[$i] - $array2[$j]); # $weight = ($array1[$i] - $array2[$j]) ** 2; # another option push @weight_function, $weight; } push @input_matrix, \@weight_function; } 94 55 90 45 56 95 90 19 [ 75 36 71 26 37 76 71 ] 74 [ 20 19 16 29 18 21 16 ] 58 [ 36 3 32 13 2 37 32 ] 1 [ 93 54 89 44 55 94 89 ] @input_matrix = ( [ 75, 36, 71, 26, 37, 76, 71 ], [ 20, 19, 16, 29, 18, 21, 16 ], [ 36, 3, 32, 13, 2, 37, 32 ], [ 93, 54, 89, 44, 55, 94, 89 ] ); my ( $optimal, $assignement_ref, $output_index_ref ) = auction( matrix_ref => \@input_matrix, maximize_total_benefit => 1, verbose => 3 ); Objective --> to Maximize the total benefit Number of left nodes: 4 Number of right nodes: 7 Number of edges: 28 Solution Optimal assignment, sum of values = 230 Feasible assignment condition: stepsize = 0.2 < 1/4 = 0.25 Number of iterations: 18 Maximum index size = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] @output_index indexes = [ 5 3 6 0 2 1 4 ] @output_index values = [76 29 32 93 ] original matrix 4 x 7 with solution: [ 75 36 71 26 37 76** 71 ] [ 20 19 16 29** 18 21 16 ] [ 36 3 32 13 2 37 32**] [ 93** 54 89 44 55 94 89 ] Pairs (in ascending order of weight function values): indexes ( 1, 3 ), weight value = 29 ; sum of values = 29 indexes ( 2, 6 ), weight value = 32 ; sum of values = 61 indexes ( 0, 5 ), weight value = 76 ; sum of values = 137 indexes ( 3, 0 ), weight value = 93 ; sum of values = 230 indexes ( 4, 2 ), weight value = ; sum of values = 230 indexes ( 5, 1 ), weight value = ; sum of values = 230 indexes ( 6, 4 ), weight value = ; sum of values = 230 Common use of the solution: foreach my $array1_index ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$assignement_ref} ){ my $i = $array1_index; my $j = $assignement_ref->{$array1_index}; ... } for my $i (0 .. $max){ my $j = $output_index_ref->[$i]; ... } OPTIONS matrix_ref => \@input_matrix reference to array: matrix N x M. maximize_total_benefit => 0 0: minimize the total benefit ; 1: maximize the total benefit. verbose => 3 print messages on the screen, level of verbosity, 0: quiet; 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10: debug information. EXPORT "auction" function by default. INPUT The input matrix should be in a two dimensional array (array of array) and the 'auction' subroutine expects a reference to this array. OUTPUT The $output_index_ref is the reference to the output_index array. The $assignement_ref is the reference to the assignement hash. The $optimal is the total benefit which can be a minimum or maximum value. SEE ALSO 1. Dimitri P. Bertsekas - Network Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Models. 2. This Perl algorithm has been adapted from this implementation. 3. AUTHOR Claudio Fernandes de Souza Rodrigues February 2018 Sao Paulo, Brasil COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2018 Claudio Fernandes de Souza Rodrigues. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.