CAM::Template::Cache "CAM" stands for Clotho Advanced Media,, which supported most of the development of this module. Contact us at This module extends the CAM::Template search-and-replace API with support for caching the resulting filled text in a database. This relies on the exitence of a DBI-friendly database, but does have a pair of convenience functions to help with the creation and support of the cache table in that database. This module is useful for creating dynamic documents that are resource-expensive but do not change too often, like the front page of a news site. It is also useful for a collection of dynamic documents that are easier to generate all at once than individually, like multi-page results of a complex search. Install via the usual: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install The test script is lame, I know. Sorry. This module is released under the GNU Public License v2. See "COPYING" for details. Much to my surprise, I did not find anything in CPAN that does quite what this module does, even after looking at Cache::Cache and DBIx::*. This module most closely resembles some combination of HTML::Template with Cache::Cache via DBI.