CGI::Compress::Gzip WARNING: as of v0.04 this is still alpha-quality code. While it seems to run just fine for simple standalone scripts in both perl 5.6.0 and 5.8.0, it breaks under mod_perl, so the module turns itself off if it detects mod_perl. 0.04 just fixes some minor issues. 0.03 was an improvement over 0.02 in that the mod_perl headers work, but the gzip filter is still broken. Hopefully I can remove this message soon. :-) KNOWN ISSUE: This module fails tests specifically under Windows in ways I do not understand, as reported by CPANPLUS testers. There is some problem with my IO::Zlib tests. If anyone knows about IO::Zlib failures or caveats on Windows, please let me know. This module is maintained by Clotho Advanced Media, Contact us at This module extends the CGI infrastructure to compresses output, whenever possible. It uses IO::Zlib (a filehandle wrapper around the C zlib library). If this is missing, the functionality degrades to the typical CGI behavior. The programmer can selectively enable or disable the compression functionality at will. This module does not rely on any particular server setup. It should work anywhere that works. Apache mod_perl users may prefer the more straightforward implementation offered by the Apache::Compress or Apache::GzipChain modules. Install via the usual: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install This module is released under the GNU Public License v2. See "COPYING" for details.