-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Friday, March 6, 1998 This is the MD5 module with shared libraries compiled for MacPerl. Shared libraries run only on PPC and CFM68K versions, not non-CFM 68K versions. This was compiled with MPW and Codewarrior. Passed all tests. I have no 68K machine so I can't test the CFM68K version. Let me know of any problems. Decompress macblib.sit.hqx and install the three files in "macblib". Installing into your site_perl directory is best: {MACPERL}site_perl:MD5.pm {MACPERL}site_perl:MacCFM68K:auto:MD5:MD5 {MACPERL}site_perl:MacPPC:auto:MD5:MD5 Also read README.orig, the original README file for this distribution. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 5.0 for non-commercial use Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBNQBVfChcZja3bnKtAQGKkAP+PNAI1pk9I5g4cABt43ko8LMg88QvghW4 1crgbAu3BxvG9aF7zoXsyBYcLM+mPAKjwTJT0sUVhAhjuNKkSYVgZNWFVW8RT6re 8/DHJeBn9M9B/tKdZTPth6BnlNhwk8KvLFSHKF8AV5NPpMgfyt5xFNbTJCugCTXa iRkYI2YFzGY= =KYAN -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- Chris Nandor mailto:pudge@pobox.com http://pudge.net/ %PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'0824 090B CE73 CA10 1FF7 7F13 8180 B6B6']) #== New Book: MacPerl: Power and Ease ==# #== Publishing Date: Early 1998. http://www.ptf.com/macperl/ ==#