-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- To MacPGP.pm beta testers: NOTES: *MacPGP 2.6.3 is REQUIRED! See the pod documentation for more info. *MacPerl 5.1.1 (just released in January 1997) is REQUIRED for fixed AppleEvents library. *You might have to give MacPerl an extra meg of memory, I've had some problems with it quitting out on me. This is BETA software. No warranties are expressed or implied. Beta3 is simply a switch to .tar.gz instead of .sit.hqx. It's finally ready for you all to test out. To install it, just drop the file MacPGP.pm in the directory lib:Mac:Apps (this has changed from the previous release). Carefully look over the pod documentation that is included in the MacPGP.pm file. You can view it with Shuck (which accompanies MacPerl 5.1.1) or with the pod2x translators in the MacPerl pod directory. There are quite a few changes from the previous release, most notable in the interface are the name of the module and the four new methods (switchapp, getresults, getresultsall, quitpgp). See the embedded pod for more information. I included these files: extractkey.pl -- test MacPGP.AE.frontier.txt -- AppleEvents docs macpgp.pl -- test script MacPGP.pm -- module Macpgp.pm.asc -- signature file for module pgptest.txt -- text for test script README -- this file Once you put MacPGP.pm in Mac:Apps, you can run pgptest.txt with macpgp.pl. I prefer using the "Perl Filters" BBEdit extension; you can just drop the macperl.pl file in your Perl Filters directory, open pgptest.txt, and run the macperl.pl script as a filter on the txt file. The BBEdit/MacPerl extensions can be obtained at: http://members.aol.com/bradh5/bbedit_extensions.html This is how the script works (though to really test the module, you should write your own scripts and implementations): The script looks at the first line of the file. If it is "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" then it sends it to be decrypted. Otherwise, it tries to see if there is delimited text in the form |x|pass|recv|. x is either e(ncrypt), d(ecrypt), or s(ign). pass is your password. recv is a space-delimited list of recipients. If you do not specify a recipient, then the script brings up a window of all available keys in your public keyring and you get to pick one (for testing purposes, I always pick myself!). extractkey.pl is a script that simply grabs my public key and tosses it in the clipboard. MacPGP.AE.frontier.txt is an export of AppleEvent info I was able to cull using Frontier. Here are all of the methods. Check the pod documentation for more info. use Mac::Apps::MacPGP; $macpgp = new MacPGP; $macpgp->encrypt(); $macpgp->decrypt(); $macpgp->sign(); $macpgp->asciify(); $macpgp->execute(); $macpgp->keyring(); $macpgp->generate(); $macpgp->extract(); $macpgp->logfile(); $macpgp->window(); $macpgp->clip2file(); $macpgp->file2clip(); $macpgp->checksignresult(); $macpgp->getlasterror(); $macpgp->getversion(); $macpgp->switchapp(); $macpgp->getresults(); $macpgp->getresultsall(); $macpgp->quitpgp(); Oh, and here is the location to get the files: http://pudge.net/macpgp/ or http://perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/CNANDOR/ The file is a tarred, gzipped file. After you use Stuffit Expander or a similar program to get at the archive, you can use the file Macpgp.pm.asc to determine whether or not the file came from me. First you have to have my key in your public keyring (it is included directly below). Then decrypt the file Macpgp.pm.asc with MacPGP. MacPGP will confirm that it is my singature to the file MacPGP.pm. I think that is about it. Let me know how things work out, and any bugs, typos, suggestions, or anything else. #================================================================ perl -e 'srand();if(rand>.5){$i=0;foreach(@ARGV){@$i=split(//);$z [$i]=0;foreach(@$i){$s[$i][$z[$i]]=$_;$z[$i]++;}$i++;}foreach(@s) {foreach(@$_) {print}print" ";$_++}}else{print(join(" ", @ARGV))} print"\n"' McClellan Clan Motto: Think On Chris Nandor pudge@pobox.com PGP Key 0xB76E72AD http://pudge.net/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3 Charset: mac iQCVAwUBMt1D9ChcZja3bnKtAQEd5gQAgvqgAoU2gLFVI1t/yUb6ztjjiZTASFXR jOMjGWk1gDjXKWV5UoVvgVps0v4YL5pNNDOzsXtpeOB++/PMWi0FxFQQeS5vCeud qWmkcPDTcUOWlNF+u9ivb/AikV08WQo5tCdLFudaBSKQekt/K/ilvKn/xM1v7CwF IYMet1OzAj8= =nTn4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3 mQCPAzH5OFUAAAEEANDOoKNWqPRh9xZNbVQCaiV1F+efrM6ORyqiyENI1cfIlfr/ /Z4Lb4pijYvH79XXzutfgN3CrkGhAAmreF9DRbHukCiBqnh9ZqJY1EZJMXOADuxk y/eeewuezTgJ2PXapxFBPjpxIfbFZYQLop5MZgBH2Za4DUyP7yhcZja3bnKtABEB AAG0IENocmlzIE5hbmRvciA8Y25hbmRvckBwb2JveC5jb20+iQCVAwUQMs1SjShc Zja3bnKtAQERwwQAk8jWSFn1t/stIoyrkIlxnawgIPF9vCXhRvyVa8BEOcB472ki uwtSe2otTsYy6QWEr1y/Zx8Ub5PO4XCaktrZ3KaxecbnWXpYhwMP4DlZfKVLxJVH DxcsL9rH3jGYDA3EIv3/IG2FHFDqC6TTATXDZCI/H8wRxutLc64U3lD04Mq0HkNo cmlzIE5hbmRvciA8cHVkZ2VAcG9ib3guY29tPokAlQMFEDLNUl4oXGY2t25yrQEB VosEAMN4zNoo0QmHihrqEd5dlqNIv+bXw0NsO9oqn59hjwKhMysd8Qh4LJ/l6RKq ithzBGlSgwLasHrVB/znnU+ODYojh+WcAKQ3H4KCOk5Clt4cr9laGuERZ8baX7Hh 5RPxG4I6aYmc5oIE0z5lKsaKEAvzT1L3kBnEdYFwfHo298PEtCNDaHJpcyBOYW5k b3IgPGNocmlzbkBwZXRlcnNvbnMuY29tPrQkQ2hyaXMgTmFuZG9yIDxjaHJpc0Bp c2FhYy5iaW9sYS5lZHU+tB1DaHJpcyBOYW5kb3IgPHB1ZGdlQHBjaXguY29tPg== =UZ8c -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----