-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Wednesday, September 1, 1999 THIS IS BETA CODE. BUT NOT FOR LONG. Please read this README. Mac::Glue is not self-explanatory. Some assembly is required. WHAT THIS IS - ------------ Mac::Glue 0.51. It is an architecture for using Apple event terminology in MacPerl. It is cool. It is in beta. Yay! GETTING STARTED - --------------- You need the latest cpan-mac installed. It is cpan-mac 0.35, and available at: http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local/authors/id/CNANDOR/ Read the cpan-mac README for more information on it. It contains all the modules you will need to use Mac::Glue (including some other really cool stuff). Make sure in your Preferences, set site_perl as a libraries path (so it will come before your main MacPerl lib directory). Drop the Mac-Glue archive, or the unpacked folder, on the installme droplet that came with cpan-mac. After installing, you need to run the gluedialect program and then the gluescriptadds program. Then, for each application you want to script, drop it on the gluemac droplet. Applications should not be running, in general, when dropped on the droplet (though in some cases it will work anyway, and in some cases the droplet will launch the application for you to get the needed information). First program you should drop on the droplet is probably the Finder. For each example script in this distribution you want to try, run the applications through the droplet first. PLAYING - ------- Read the history in Mac:Glue.pm for what's changed, and read the code for the examples in ex/. Please play and read the notes and feed back to macperl-modules (see http://www.macperl.org/ for more details). Feel free to send any feedback, including patches, to the list. - -- Chris Nandor mailto:pudge@pobox.com http://pudge.net/ %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10 1FF77F13 8180B6B6']) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 6.0.2i for non-commercial use Comment: Bwahahahaha! iQCVAwUBN82t9ChcZja3bnKtAQHl1QQAi1SYfKB/aDWIx8ByCodfnBR1FjkwDv+S MYuoZ9cA9EbZsEZfA7kylHgI5gdm/HzfiE1O/dCAHdgHKnV+vj/Xnp5tCDoHCX5d lge9o2o/lf3ULZonqFbyeRbaB9R1fIoFNUCrVuu3lip0lstRjVcog6vbGVdmy7l/ AOOn8DgLKz8= =ixHm -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----