Tuesday, March 9, 1999 This archive can always be obtained from: http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/CNANDOR/ http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/Mac/ The file is a tarred, gzipped file. Use Stuffit Expander or a similar program (like my untargzipme) to get at the archive. Please let me know how well it does(n't) work, and any changes you'd like to see. #======================================================================= NAME Mac::OSA::Simple - Simple access to Mac::OSA SYNOPSIS #!perl -wl use Mac::OSA::Simple; osa_script(<<'EOS', 'LAND'); dialog.getInt ("Duration?",@examples.duration); dialog.getInt ("Amplitude?",@examples.amplitude); dialog.getInt ("Frequency?",@examples.frequency); speaker.sound (examples.duration, examples.amplitude, examples.frequency) EOS print frontier('clock.now()'); applescript('beep 3'); DESCRIPTION Allows simple access to Mac::OSA. Just pass the script to the function for `frontier()' or `applescript()'. Or, pass the script and the four- character component ID to `osa_script()'. Functions return a value if there is one, or 1 if successful and there is no value. [Hm. Should `frontier()' and/or `osa_script($script, 'LAND')' launch Frontier if it is not running?] Also note that you can get the raw data of a compiled script with: $script = compile_applescript($script_text); $raw_data = $script->compiled; (There are also `compile_frontier' and `compile_osa_script'). `$script' there is an object with parameters like `SCRIPT' (the AEDesc containing the compiled script), `COMP' (the scripting component), `ID' (the script ID), and `TEXT' (the text of the script). You can manually dispose of the OSA script and the AEDesc with `$script->dispose', or let it get disposed of during object destruction. You can access scripting components via the tied hash `%ScriptComponents' which is automatically exported. Components are only opened if they have not been already, and are closed when the program exits. TODO Add OSALoad stuff so compiled scripts from resource forks etc. can files can be used. HISTORY v0.10, Tuesday, March 9, 1999 Added lots of stuff to get compiled script data. v0.02, May 19, 1998 Here goes ... AUTHOR Chris Nandor http://pudge.net/ Copyright (c) 1999 Chris Nandor. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the Perl Artistic License. SEE ALSO Mac::OSA, Mac::AppleEvents, Mac::AppleEvents::Simple, macperlcat. VERSION Version 0.10 (Tuesday, March 9, 1999) #======================================================================= -- Chris Nandor mailto:pudge@pobox.com http://pudge.net/ %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10 1FF77F13 8180B6B6'])