June 18, 1997 This is PBar.pm 1.1, a Perl interface to Progress Bar, an Apple Event-capable progress bar utility. PBar.pm was written by Alan Fry and Chris Nandor. REQUIREMENTS: *MacPerl 5.1.1+ (5.1.3 recommended) is REQUIRED for fixed AppleEvents library. *Progress Bar 1.0.1. To install it, just drop the file PBar.pm in the directory lib:Mac:Apps. Carefully look over the pod documentation that is included in the Anarchie.pm file. You can view it with Shuck (which accompanies MacPerl) or with the pod2x translators in the MacPerl pod directory. This archive can always be obtained from: http://pudge.net/macperl/ http://perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/CNANDOR/ http://perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/Mac/ The file is a tarred, gzipped file. Use Stuffit Expander or a similar program to get at the archive. I think that is about it. Let me know how things work out, and any bugs, typos, suggestions, or anything else. -- Chris Nandor pudge@pobox.com http://pudge.net/ %PGPKey=('B76E72AD',[1024,'08 24 09 0B CE 73 CA 10 1F F7 7F 13 81 80 B6 B6'])