This new version (2.4) of Statistics::Descriptive contains: - Code to correctly calculate the percentile of the data as defined by RFC2330. Also included is RFC2330 for general reference. List of methods by class: Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse ---------------------------------- add_data count mean sum variance pseudo_variance min max mindex maxdex standard_deviation sample_range Statistics::Descriptive::Full ---------------------------------- All methods above and: get_data sort_data presorted percentile median trimmed_mean harmonic_mean mode geometric_mean frequency_distribution least_squares_fit Ideas for ongoing development: - re: Georg Fuellen A function to define the "maxima" of a distribution. In other words, return an array that contains all data that falls within a given confidence interval. - Move source to C and XS for speed improvements. (Interface to R or S?) - Move to PDL for a unified math solution and maybe take advantage of their compact storage. - Methods for covariance and correlation. - An interface to Jon Orwant's Statistics::ChiSquare module to provide a method for determining how random data is (for a uniform distribution) or how well is fits another distribution (for non-uniform distributions like normal(gaussian), log-normal, rayleigh, etc). The major issue I'm concerned about is the updating of someone else's code and future extensibility. Now, major paranoia should be obvious since Jon hasn't changed Statistics::ChiSquare for a long, long time. Still, a wrapper module that inherits from several other modules is appealing. Perhaps it will be called Statistics::Bundle.