NAME Archive::Merged - virtually merge two archives SYNOPSIS my $merged = Archive::Merged->new( Archive::Tar->new( 'default_theme.tar' ), Archive::SevenZip->archiveTarApi( archivename => '' ), Archive::Dir->new( 'customized/' ), ); METHODS Archive::Merged->new my $merged = Archive::Merged->new( Archive::Tar->new( 'default_theme.tar' ), Archive::Dir->new( 'customized/' ), ); Creates a new archive as the merged view of one or more archives or directories. ->directory ->archives my @archives = $merged->archives; Accessor for the archives that represent this archive. ->contains_file if( $merged->contains_file( $file ) ) { print "Yay!" } else { print "File '$file' not found"; }; Returns the underlying archive that contains the file. Returns undef if the file is not found. ->get_content( $file, %options ) my $content = $merged->get_content( $file, binmode => ':raw' ) Returns the content of the file, potentially with the encoding. ->list_files( ) my @contents = $merged->list_files; Lists the contained files of the archive. Files that are shadowed are only listed once. ->extract_file( ) $merged->extract_file( $name => $target ); Extracts the file to the target name. REPOSITORY The public repository of this module is SUPPORT The public support forum of this module is BUG TRACKER Please report bugs in this module via the RT CPAN bug queue at or via mail to AUTHOR Max Maischein COPYRIGHT (c) Copyright 2015-2016 by Max Maischein LICENSE This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Archive::Tar Archive::SevenZip::API::ArchiveTar